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Comment Re:Please have a -1 Button (Score 1) 218

Call it an "acknowledgement" and have Like/ Dislike.

"John Doe and George Washington acknowledged your status update." And then it shows the thumb up/ thumb down icons with numbers next to it.

Also, the UI needs to be consistent. If enter publishes your post in response to status replies, it should also publish on status updates. Messages cannot be reneged so enter should only be a new line in there. But all replies to things and anything else that can be x'ed and removed should behave the same way.

"Farming" Amoebas Discovered Screenshot-sm 49

Researchers from Rice University have found a type of amoeba that practices a sort of "primitive farming behavior." When their bacteria food become scarce, the Dictyostelium discoideum will group together and form a "fruiting body" that will disperse bacteria spores to a new area. From the article: "The behavior falls short of the kind of 'farming' that more advanced animals do; ants, for example, nurture a single fungus species that no longer exists in the wild. But the idea that an amoeba that spends much of its life as a single-celled organism could hold short of consuming a food supply before decamping is an astonishing one. More than just a snack for the journey of dispersal, the idea is that the bacteria that travel with the spores can 'seed' a new bacterial colony, and thus a food source in case the new locale should be lacking in bacteria." It's good to know that even a single celled creature is not immune to the pull of Farmville.

Scientists Discover Biggest Star 202

Hugh Pickens writes "Scientists at the University of Sheffield have discovered the most massive stellar giant, R136a1 measured at 265 solar masses, using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile and data from the Hubble Space Telescope. It's in the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small 'satellite' galaxy which orbits the Milky Way. Previously, the heaviest known stars were around 150 times the mass of the Sun, known as the 'Eddington Limit,' and this was believed to be close to the cosmic size limit because as stars get larger, the amount of energy created in their cores grows faster than the force of gravity which holds them together. 'Because of their proximity to the Eddington Limit they lose mass at a pretty high rate,' says Professor Paul Crowther, the chief researcher in the Sheffield team. Hyper-stars like R136a1 are believed to be formed from several young stars merging together, and are only found in the very heart of stellar clusters. R136a1 is believed to have a surface temperature of more than 40,000 degrees Celsius, and is 10 million times brighter than the Sun. Crowther adds that R136a1 is about as big as stars can get. 'Owing to the rarity of these monsters, I think it is unlikely that this new record will be broken any time soon.'"

Comment Re:No surprise here, this is DePaul (Score 1) 71

Yes, sometimes they do have programs that are very easy to go through quickly. However, if you get a good advisor (which CDM has, more often than not) you can substitute more classes and in turn, get more knowledge in useful areas. They do (at least for CS) have a lot of professors who teach fun independent studies and seminar classes.

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
