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User Journal

Journal Journal: Tag-free Sveasoft Alchemy pre7a 11

Hello everybody,
thanks to two fellow suppliers I had the chance to make a tag-free version of Alchemy pre7a. You may notice the name change, apparently Sveasoft decided that having seven release candidates durin a feature freeze is a little embarassing.

This version, as always, has been tested before release. Please read the included text files for further information, post questions or comments in this forum thread

User Journal

Journal Journal: RC5a released, help by mirroring on P2P (ed2k) 3

Sorry for the delay, I had expected Sveasoft to release a public version soon so I didn't bother.
However they now claim that it is delayed due to "illegal" copies of Alchemy. Sounds to me like a really bad excuse but who cares, I hereby declare Alchemy 6 RC5a a public version :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: pre5.4 sources, documentation and BAD news 2

Sorry for the delay. Here's the source code for Alchemy pre5.4 which Sveasoft released at the same time as Alchemy 6rc1.
Speaking of which, I am going to skip that release since apparently some people can't even connect to their ISPs with it. A new firmware should be out soon anyways.

I also added a draft of Sveasoft's Alchemy manual, it should cover the most frequently asked questions. There's also the old firmware guide but some of it is outdated by now (was written in April).

User Journal

Journal Journal: The job is done :) w38 released 4

Well that was faster than expected. Thanks to two nice forum members (chiles & MyGPL) who pointed me to my mistake, I have successfully rebuild a hopefully tagfree version of Wolf's w38 release.

Let's hope I haven't forgotten any tags and that my kind supplier will keep his subscription.

A good day for free software...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Let's break Sveasoft's tagging scheme

I have been gathering details about how Sveasoft tags the firmware for a while now.

However when I tried to rebuild a firmware with a modified (cleaned) SquashFS, it failed to flash on my WRT54G. Therefore I decided to publish all my information about the subject and ask for help of the community.

If you're interested in the stuff or if you want to help, it's all posted in this forum post.

User Journal

Journal Journal: New mirrors, Alchemy pre5.3 source code available

Today I added the pre5.3 source code to the site(s). The file should be on all mirrors shortly.
My inside source tells me that there might be a real public release of Sveasoft's Alchemy soon. Also work on the new firmware edition, Talisman, has apparently begun.

In addition I can happily announce that there's two new mirrors. Thanks for hosting, guys!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wolf's pre5.3w30 fork ready for download

Apparently James keeps making friends. A former subscriber who got kicked out by him asked me to make his copy of Wolf's pre5.3 fork available to the public.
So here it is, as promised. This build offers IPv6 support, a Chillispot GUI and many bugfixes over pre5.3. It is a little older then 5.4 but the differences should be minor.
Big thanks to my source, if you want your name mentioned here let me know :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sveasoft Alchemy pre 5.4 available 5

Once again somebody was nice enough to leak Sveasoft's latest firmware, Alchemy pre5.4 to the public.
I confirmed that this file is legit and it is available for download from the mirrors now.
This is a feature freeze release and should therefore have most bugs removed. Hopefully I will also be able to add Wolf's Alechemy build pre5.3w30 soon which offers IPv6 support as well as most 5.4 fixes.
Also I was asked to point out that there is an
User Journal

Journal Journal: False DMCA copyright accusations by James Ewing 10

Hello community, this time James has gone too far.
He wrote a DMCA complaint to the hosters of my mirrors, claiming that those files were under his copyright and asking for their removal.
Those emails prove once and for all how James works and how he tries to circumvent the GPL in every possible way.
Please take your time to read this and my comments in red: The email conversation
User Journal

Journal Journal: Yet another new mirror, prohosting dead 1

The prohosting mirror went down but got replaced with a shiny new mirror that is here to stay :)
Also I got pointed to another Slashdot journal about Sveasoft which explains the whole situation from a more objective point of view. A very interesting read indeed, read it here.

Accounts at free webhosts would still be greatly appreciated although they may go down quickly. It's worth a try.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Alchemy 5.3 uploaded, poll, new mirror 6

Things can change quickly. Someone has posted Alchemy 5.3 on edonkey, I verified the file with my inside source and have uploaded it to the website.
The one who leaked it would probably lose his/her subscription anyways since the file was in the public already.
However I am interested what people think about hosting tagged files obtained from P2P, so please voice your opinion in this poll.
You can also post questions and c

Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: Sveasoft Alchemy 5.2.3 source code, news about 5.3

The 5.2.3 source code is now available, check the prohosting mirror.
If you want to help my case, open an account at any free webhost and mirror my website or parts of it there. Email the URL (even better: login infos) to me and I will add it as a mirror.

Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: Welcome to my journal! 2

Hello everyone!
This journal has the purpose that you can always find me and read the latest news about Sveasoft's GPL violations and their dirty scare tactics.
Recently they managed to get a lot of webhosts to remove my website, claiming it contained illegal content.
I hope Slashdot won't take my journal down on the first scare call or email they receive from this bully. So always check here for links to the current mirrors of the website.
If you want to support me, mirror my sit

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