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Comment Already Subsidized (Score 1) 461

What bugs me about the whole higher education mess is that all public colleges and universities are already heavily subsidized by our government in some way or another. I live in a town with a land-grant university and I can tell you that nothing is more important than sports with increasing enrollment a close second. Nobody seems to realize that education has no economies of scale so budgets are consumed by new construction of better and fancier facilities.
What higher education really needs is to be modeled after a business. It should be light on management, heavy on instructors and facilities should be just adequate. Maybe then the subsidies would be enough and insane borrowing by students who are there to learn instead of for the college experience would be minimal.

Comment Summer (Score 4, Insightful) 387

First, it's mid summer there. Second, there is no mention of the previous record so we have nothing to compare this "record" to. I have a friend who works there every year and his comments, from camp, last month was that they were battling storms and cold and hadn't been able to get too much work done. Finally, we have only been keeping track of temperatures there since 1956 so it's hardly worth getting into a tizzy over 60 years worth of record data.

Comment Link to Comment (Score 1) 296

I was going to comment until, while adding my personal data, I noticed that the state pull-down was alphabetized incorrectly. Now, I am not perfect but if I was browsing anywhere else I would immediately be worried I was at a site for harvesting personal information and not a government entity.

Comment 3G burning up my battery (Score 2, Interesting) 248

I live in a fringe area. While I get a good number of bars with Edge, 3G is hit or miss. I work in town where 3G reception is good though so I usually keep 3G on. That said, I have noticed that some evenings my battery drains almost completely while just sitting on my dresser. It's not every night so I chalked it up to reception. However, this makes more sense if it's trying to transmit data with a crappy signal.

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