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Comment Is this some kind of uprising? (Score 5, Interesting) 84

If you go to the popular (well, poor) neighborhoods in northern Mexico you'll find thousands of young people, joining the cartels. The young people that don't, are idolizing the narcoculture: headache inducing narcocorrido music, big pickup trucks, cowboy attire, violent and arrogant behavior, etc. This has stopped being some clandestine business run by old families specializing in recreational agriculture export activities and has become an attempted takeover of society by the organized crime, at a level that makes Al Capone look like a beginner. In the controlled states most business and middle class independent professionals have to pay protection money to these guys or else. Bank employees provide all the required information. What about the police, army, government? Everybody knows they are in the payroll. It's more like Mexico during the later phase of 1910's revolution where all the young people joined one General or the other to survive while plundering, killing, raping, etc. Today the situation in the affected areas is controlled by terror. Psychological studies of the people doing terrorist activities have shown they're mostly "normal" people adapting to a new economic environment. In other words, young people are being recruited by the organized crime because the current economy is not providing quality jobs. I'll spare you the usual rant about the US-supported neoliberals elites blocking popular movements, but the fact is those elites want to go back to a semifeudal society controlled by the Church and Old Money, and are stopping any development that could empower the general citizens. If you've tried to do business in Mexico you realized how everything seems to be prohibited, or excessively controlled. What happens when you cannot honestly make a living? You do it unhonestly. And the elites have been doing a good job stunting critical education and lowering the level of popular culture through the TV chains like Televisa, so instead of becoming aware of who the real enemy is, young people unleash their frustration against their own.

Comment Whats Good? (Score 1) 223

Conscious and organized evil triumhs over the passive wishy-washy one-day-on/ one-day-off do nothing wrong that most people calls "Good". It's the kind of people never do anything evil for other people but also never do anything really good for others, and keeps the nose and the eyes meekly down to the grindstone thinking they are being "Good". Conscious "Good" is taking a proactive stance against evil and organizing people to actively fight it. Among other things.

Comment Re:Or ... (Score 1) 332

The factories on the Mexican border with the USA have lots of illegal centralamerican immigrants working at them. When detected they have one year to produce a passport from any centralamerican country, with which they can start the process of becoming legal Mexican residents, all that without having to leave their jobs.

Comment Re:Since when is college supposed to be about jobs (Score 1) 463

I think what happens is that in an office environment you are needed for your capability of interacting with an increasingly educated population. And everybody wants those nice and confortable office jobs. Blue collar is becoming the province of the non-anglosaxon and the non-educated, and who wants to be there?

Comment Re:They should hire a social media consultant with (Score 1) 536

They used to say the same in Acapulco. Now just ask the hotel managers about ocupancy rates, ask discos personnel about heads being hurled into the dancing floor, ask the teachers about being asked for a 50% of their payroll (they know how much each of them makes) on threat of children being killed, ask...ok, you get the idea. Don't feel so confident about the relative safety of 2 of the 3 big Mexican cities, Mexico City and Guadalajara. Oh, by the way, the 3rd big city is Monterrey, home of the proudest industrial elite, now being overrunned by the organized crime. They used to proudly and despectively boast the same.

Comment Re:They should hire a social media consultant with (Score 1) 536

Exactly, in their controlled areas they have lots of forced look-outs "halcones" or "hawks", same within the companies. In the state of Tamaulipas for example, any independent contractor doing business with Pemex, the national oil company is threatened for a percentage of their contracts. And they always know exactly how much was the contract for. In the state of Michoacan they know who the avocado producers over a certain limit are, and they're all shaken down. In Acapulco, they threatened all the teachers making over a certain amount for the 50 % of their income, on threat of killing school children. You may be thinking, "where the fuck is your government?" They're an elitist-conservative party, backed up by the USA against popular and leftist candidate Lopez Obrador, and as international investigator Eduardo Buscaglia says, comparing Mexico's mafia against Russian,l Chinese, Colombian, Italia's , etc. they're not likely to take any meaningful action until the organized crime hits politicians or their families at the right level.

Comment Re:If they're going to do this shit anyways (Score 1) 536 here's another one by a reputed Mexican newspaper. In several others it was also revealed that the released activist carried a message from the Zetas stating that if Anonymous outed any members, they would kill the activist's family plus 10 inocent persons for each Zeta outed to the media.

Comment It's not that simple (Score 1) 536

Legalizing drugs wouldn't fix the problem which has become now a social and economic one. As the video from international investigator Eduardo Buscaglia mentions, the drug cartels have expanded into 18-19 criminal activities as a source of income, one of which is the drug traffic. If you go to one of the states controlled by the organized crime (as in every business has to pay protection to the OC) you'll see how pervasive they are, thousands of young people are lining up to join them. It's has become a way to escape ever increasing poverty, inequality and marginalization caused by neoliberal economic policies that have made Mexican society implode during current president's Calderon government. Psychological studies of sicarios (hitmen) for the OC show they are relatively normal people reacting to a new economic environment. The new motto for those young people has become: better to live 5 years as a king than 50 as an ox, which rymes in Spanish. Actually, they're more likely to live one or two years. Still, many young people accept this certainty.

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