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Comment Re:Read the contract you've signed (Score 3, Insightful) 345

I was able to convince my cable company to provide me with the highest plan they had at a discounted rate, after going through similar annoyances is with getting far less than I paid for. I told them I wanted to remain their customer, but I had alternative providers that I could have gone to and was willing to pay for the fastest plan they had otherwise. I guess there's something to be said for having competition in an area vying for your business.

Submission + - Arizona attempts to make trolling illegal. ( 1

LordofEntropy writes: "Though unlikely to pass any First Amendment test. Arizona's Gov. Jan Brewer has a bill on her desk that would in essence make "trolling" illegal. The law states "It is unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use ANY ELECTRONIC OR DIGITAL DEVICE and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.""

Comment Nothing new... (Score 2) 210

I have been doing this for quite some time now with my Android tablet, my phone as well. Why is it that whenever people write stupid articles like this they act like the iPad is some how leading the charge?? The only thing the iPad really has going for it is market share, otherwise this is nothing new.

Comment Re:Have you talked to anyone? (Score 1) 848

I have found this generally to be the case. Although I have gotten a few tools into production use this way, but its rare at places that don't have other programmers, generally for those reasons. I was however, able to negotiate other things for my services at one job. Namely a few extra paid days off, and a few poss paid lunches. That was payment enough for me! Might have more luck asking for that rather than compensation.

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 1) 284

How does having only one child makes my opinion useless, I grew up in a family with three siblings and never did ANY of us randomly eat obviously inedible objects at 6 years old. I realize many kids are much harder to manage than one, but that doesn't make the point any less valid. Take an active role in raising a child (don't just sit a child in front of the TV or somewhere unsupervised), be mindful of what is left laying around, and generally don't be a idiot and I promise you, kids will be a lot less problematic with regards to things like this. Certainly kids will be kids, and you cant control every variable, but they generally have a capacity for learning way beyond what we give them credit for. That said, they only learn what their parents choose to teach them.

Comment There is one solution to this... (Score 1) 181

The senate and house can come up with all the laws and other bull shit they want. But ultimately it should be up to the people not these bone heads to vote on them. I understand that in 1776 there was a need to have representatives in government due to the lack of speedy communication from constituents. However in this day and age, we have the technology to allow people to vote on all of these issues. There is no longer any need for electoral college, and obviously our senators no longer speak for their districts so there is no longer any need for them to have the power to vote on laws that apply to us. I know this is unlikely to ever happen, but I can dream cant I?

Comment Hmmm... (Score 1) 284

I have a child, he is 12 now. He NEVER had a problem swallowing stupid shit when he was young. At 6 years old he was at least competent enough to know not to swallow anything but food. When he was a bit younger yea sure that might have posed a risk but we were very attentive parents and always kept an eye on him and were very careful about what we left out. Additionally we talked to him constantly and warned him about the risk of such things, and yes believe it or not that does work. Children are smarter than we give them credit for and allow them to be by dumbing everything down for them. Personally, I think that if you have 6 year old still doing that sort of thing you've got more problems than you know. Lets just say the problem extends beyond your child, stupid parents make stupid babies.

Comment Re:Cheaper (Score 4, Interesting) 471

Have you ever been to H&M? The entire premise of that place is to sell "designer style" clothing for cheap. Sure its not Ross or some second hand store, but I applaud their attempt at making more choices, more affordable. And on that note, if they want to save a little money on models/advertising to keep their prices down then I am all for it. Although honestly I think the one on the left in the article looks kind of creepy like a Real Doll. Very weird. Obviously not quite the real thing.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
