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Comment Re:innovation thwarted (Score 1) 137

The theory is that if you pay for broadband, you are paying for your connection to the infrastructure. So that cost is sent to the "data" side of the house.
The incremental cost for the TV channels they provide you are probably $1.00 (at least their hard costs going to the broadcasters).
Whey they get the bonus is the "number of households" that they can now increase to the advertisers (when they sell ads, they sell them based on how many households they serve). Additionally, they usually get a large amount based on the number of households subscribe to the shopping networks, jewelry networks, etc. On our cable system, we were offered nearly $1.25 per household for HSN.

Add all those up, and you end up with them making a few pennies on you. But ultimately, you become a stickier customer. If you start rely on them for CATV and have all sorts of shows on your DVR, then you won't want to jump to an AT&T, DirecTV, Verizon, etc. Also, if you are a CATV customer, the chances of you upgrading to a better package than not.

Comment Re: Marked Paper Ballots FTW (Score 1) 388

This election, and the last two districts I've voted in have used the "connect the line" form. You take the sharpie and complete the arrow that points to the candidate's name. It honestly can't be more obvious and simple than how they do it. When you are done, you walk up to a machine and stick in your ballot. The machine prints out a summary of your vote (as the computer sees it) on receipt paper, and you hand that to the election official to get your "I Voted" sticker. If you feel that the receipt paper didn't match your actual vote you have the choice of re-running the ballot or asking for a new one and having the previous one discarded. The print-out also will tell you if a selection was invalid because you voted for too many in one section or something didn't work right.


Comment Re:shouldnt this be illegal? (Score 1) 163

You would need to prove that 80% of those discriminated against were of a particular protected class. There is no way you could do this.

There is case law (I don't remember the particular case name, sorry), where a city had to close down a sidewalk in front of a school for a month for road construction. A person in a wheel chair sued the city because they were unable to reach the handicap ramp in the front of the building (but they were still able to get to the zero-barrier entrance on the side of the building). Since the city didn't go out of their way to discriminate against a particular class of people (they inconvenienced everybody), they didn't win the case. Now, had they only shut down the sidewalk immediately in front of the ramp, the results would have been different.

Comment Re:Maybe you can't (Score 1) 256

In Michigan (and all the other states nearby, including Tennessee), you are permitted to drive a vehicle for the purposes of TRANSPORT and/or registration after a recent sale. In Michigan, a title dated within 3 days is all you need to be road legal (including driving without a license plate). Indiana and Ohio are 5 days, and Illinois is 7 days. The purpose of the law is so you can legally transport your newly purchased car without issues.

Comment Re:Web server for printing... (Score 3, Interesting) 178

Our office has pretty much replaced laptops with iPads for 90% of the people. They didn't need a portable device for anything other than checking their calendar, email and basic web browsing (since almost all of our apps are now designed for the browser, we don't need custom, PC based apps anymore). It turns out, when you do that, those people start to demand to be able to print their emails, web pages, etc. from those mobile devices.

And this is a growing trend. Look at all the business people carrying around iPads / Tablets in favor of heavier laptops.

Comment Re:Web server for printing... (Score 4, Interesting) 178

Because then you have to write a front-end GUI for every OS out there -- Linux (all 200 flavors of it, because, you know..), Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Blackberry, Canon DSLRs, etc., etc.

It turns out, writing your GUI on top of HTTP is really nice, and means you just have to expose it, and let the browser on the existing OSs take care of the hard work of drawing the button on the screen.

Comment Re:Irrevocable License (Score 1) 161

You would be surprised at how few speech recognition companies are left in the industry. Nuance was on a buying spree a few years ago and there really are almost no mature companies left. There are a few smaller ones, but their software really isn't any good. Plus, they own almost all the patents, so others are quickly purchased or squashed...

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