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Comment Re:Famous last words (Score 0) 179

Actually, you are slightly incorrect about motives, though the end result may be more scientifically accurate. "Climate change" and related terms were created by Frank Luntz specifically in order to make the phenomenon less scary-sounding, and thus to blunt action -- almost entirely by Democrats -- to respond to the problem.
In so doing, he created decades of thumb-twiddling inaction by the US government, leading to the problem becoming much more severe and intractable than it might otherwise have been.
But, yes, technically "climate change" more accurately describes what's happening, though "climate disruption" or something similar would probably be a better choice.

Comment Thanks OBAMA (Score 1) 157

I'm surprised the free-marketeers haven't trolled this article yet, so I guess I'll do it for them. Here goes...

SEE?? This just proves that government bureaucrats can't do anything!!!1 If they'd just gotten those stupid regulators to get their boots of the throats of the job-creators, the guiding hand of free-market capitalism would have fixed this by now! This is why we need to cut capital-gains taxes and destroy the EPA!!!1


Comment Public Exposure (Score 1) 213

Right. Because citizen activists publicizing how big powerful entities do horrible things when the government is too chickenshit to stop them really worked wonders in the case of the NSA's mass-surveillance program. Not to mention extraordinary renditions, offshore torture, firing DAs for not investigating bullshit "voter fraud," lying to Congress, lying to the UN, to the American public, etc etc.

Comment Re:Why the ©? (Score 2) 46

I think companies who insist on putting copyright/trademark/registration symbols into their marketing should be required, in every verbal exchange with media, at every speaking engagement, and in ever recorded advertisement, to compel their representatives to speak the terms out loud.

So, for example, should one of their sockpuppets be reading their press material at a conference, it would sound like this: "In addition to the revolutionary remote replacement, HAL *COPYRIGHTED!!* is also introducing wearable technologies such as their HAL *COPYRIGHTED!!* Watch HAL *COPYRIGHTED!!* Ring, and HAL *COPYRIGHTED!! Glasses, etc etc" like a bad case of Tourette's Syndrome.

Comment Re:Unable to memorize times tables - a real proble (Score 1) 384

This should be modded up. A lot of the OP's stuff seems pretty garden-variety college overload, but THIS. If he's in his mid-30s, and can't do simple multiplication, there is something dysfunctional in his cognitive processes. And yes: if he's suffering learning disabilities like this, maybe college isn't the right move. A trade school, sure. But I would steer him away from any four-year degree. I wonder what his major is...

Comment "Within the Rule of Law" (Score 2) 242

"surveillance must be guided by standards and by high-level policymakers"

So, if I'm reading this summary correctly, the only real problem is that our chickenshit congress never tripped over its own feet in a rush to hand the executive branch these exact powers in some most-assuredly extra-patriotic piece of legislation? All the issues with this law will go away if it gets a stamp of approval?
On a second note, why is it that nobody seems to mind (or make laws against) treating the inhabitants of other countries to police-state surveillance, including the heads of sovereign states?

Comment Re:intelligence (Score 1) 370

holy crap, why are you the only one who seems to have understood what this lawsuit is actually about, and not (like every other upmodded comment) immediately freaked the fuck out at the word "person"? Every time this case has been discussed the last week, every thread is full of people waving these bullshit arguments about how now we have to let chimps vote or whatever, instead of actually reading about what is meant by the idea of non-human personhood. It's really disheartening to read that much stupid.

Comment Re:Holy Biased Presentation Batman! (Score 4, Informative) 466

A not altogether unbiased source has a handy comparison of bird deaths between wind, nukes, and fossil fuels. This is the thing all this hoopla about bird deaths on wind farms conveniently overlooks: the number of wildlife deaths from other industries -- how many birds died in the Deepwater Horizon spill, by the way? -- vastly outpaces those from windmills.

Yes, it's sad, and I would like to see them mitigated. But it's the same idiocy that makes people compare three high-speed collisions in Tesla Model S fires to the tens of thousands of fires that happen every year in ICEs with nary a peep.

Comment Re:How could you tell? (Score 1) 162

sigh ... I wish folks hadn't read more into my initial comment than I intended, but I suppose its my own fault.
I wasn't actually stating an opionion on whether people trading pictures online was in itself a bad thing-- in fact, I suspect the other commentor up above is probably right, that "won't anybody think of the children??!!" is a bullshit argument that probably does more harm than good.
But any service that explicitly advertises itself as beyond the reach of surveillance will be, I suspect, very quickly populated with people circulating things that are, for better or worse, illegal.
An unintended consequence of trying to avoid the NSA and Facebook's marketing bullshit quickly gets known as a haven for perverts, rather than the actual good it might do (and yes,, it may very well -- though I don't know nearly enough to have an opinion on the matter -- thus provide a safe outlet for people who might otherwise act out on their urges in more harmful ways).
Just look at Tor: what started out as a means for dissidents to escape surveillance is now known to most laypeople as "that place where drug dealers meet with money launderers and identity thieves and hackers to trade with impunity."

Comment Re:Why is this even a question? (Score 1) 452

Man, I wish I could mod you up. This entire argument is proto-fascist in its logic: criminals are bad people, therefore should have fewer protections than us good citizens. No, dumbass: it's precisely criminals -- even guilty ones -- who should have the most protection from prosecutorial abuse. Why? Because that's how you guard against a police state in which *everyone* is guilty, and only the whim of the state decides who among them is to be compelled into prison. It's how you ensure that the system is one that delivers *justice*, instead of inflicting revenge. Without the assurance that the one prosecuted is the guilty party -- and this can only be the case if self-incrimination is prohibited, since it can so easily be coerced -- the whole system collapses into illegitimacy and tyranny.

If you really don't understand just how easy it is to compel innocent people to incriminate themselves with the right kinds of pressure -- physical, emotional, psychological -- then you really don't know anything about how the justice system can be abused, and definitely have no business writing opinion pieces whining about how unfair it is that good people aren't coddled like all those undeserving criminals.

Comment Read the Followups (Score 1, Informative) 321

Namely, from the follow-up article:
"Mr. Miranda was in Berlin to deliver documents related to Mr. Greenwald’s investigation into government surveillance to Ms. Poitras, Mr. Greenwald said. Ms. Poitras, in turn, gave Mr. Miranda different documents to pass to Mr. Greenwald. Those documents, which were stored on encrypted thumb drives, were confiscated by airport security, Mr. Greenwald said. All of the documents came from the trove of materials provided to the two journalists by Mr. Snowden."

In the helpful clarification from Wonkette, "he was actively participating in transporting secret documents that were stolen, and which it is illegal for him to possess." On a trip paid for by The Guardian.

So, maybe not quite as innocent a bystander as he initally makes it seem. But that was probably the point, and now British politicians are getting hammered for the abuse of power he baited them into. Well played!

Comment Mothmen (Score 1) 629

For all of its flaws, that odd artifact of Richard Gere's film career, The Mothman Prophecies had a couple insightful things to say about how a truly alien species would react to us. Both of them were in the form of a dialogue with the author of the book on which the film was based. They went:

Richard Gere: But they're more advanced than we are: why don't they just explain themselves?
Author: You're more advanced than a cockroach; you ever try to explain yourself to one of them?

Richard Gere: but what do they want?
Author: [something something] and their motives are not human.

I think that's going to be the truest indicator of alien intelligences: we won't even understand them on a basic psychological level, let alone be able to have debates and conversations and cheesy expositional dialogue with them.

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