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Comment No, just no. (Score 1) 95

If we're talking sort of a junior CS university type requirement, where kids are required to code? No. Just no. Computer languages are just like any other language and some kids do not have the aptitude to easily pick up a language that involves a new syntax, grammar rules etc. Most states would benefit far more from a decent sex ed curriculum in place well before forcing CS down everyone's throat. Not everyone is cut out or needs that skill. As another poster said, teach financial literacy instead.

Comment Re:Pretty awesome (Score 2) 115

I don't know why you need actual land to consider yourself a country.

Governments enforce laws to protect their citizens. This "country" is unable to enforce it's laws as "citizens" are still subject to the laws of the countries they live in.

Effectively, any group can pretend to be a country but if they lack the ability to enforce the laws then they are a failed state. Being a failed state and not having any land makes you nothing more than idea.

Pretty much coming to say exactly this, and also "good luck with that" to the idiots who think this idea has any legal standing or effect.

Comment Ugh, again, there's *no* Nobel Prize in economics (Score 3, Informative) 299

FFS, there's no Nobel Prize in economics. Alfred Nobel was adament that economics isn't a science, since when a theory is falsified the proponents of that theory just claim "the conditions weren't right" and keep believing the theory. That's not how the scientific method works. He specifically did not allow economics into the foundation's list of sciences.

The prize is correctly called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It was started in the late 60s when the free-market capitalists needed yet another prop for their ideas about how economies work and knew that by attaching the name of Nobel to a bank prize the "science" of economics would be given more legitimacy.

Economics is no more a science than astrology, Feng shui, tarot, and water dowsing.

Deaton didn't win a Nobel prize, a bank gave him some money to keep the system legit.

Comment Unity was much more fun ... (Score 1) 127

Back in the beginning, when I got into it. When it was three guys in Copenhagen just making a little cool game engine for us Mac users. And yes, I am that old a Unity user ... my member registration number on their forums is in the low single digits. I recall I beat even David Helgason registering, in fact (who is also a super nice guy btw).

I hope Joachim and the others are still having fun after this broo-ha-ha cause they are ultra-cool and super friendly guys. Hi guys.

Comment Re:Article gets it wrong (Score 4, Insightful) 140

The defendant's process appears to be: 1. Scrape copyrighted images off the internet 2. Use them as data / inputs into a machine learning model 3. Produce some output [the plaintiff characterizes these as derivative works, but that is very much unclear]

Every single artist practices by reproducing (as exactly as possible) works by the greats on the field. It's how we learn technical skills, composition, etc. I have never met a working artist who hasn't sat in a gallery and sketched a Matisse or whomever to practice their skills and to understand visual things like light and shadow, composition, subject, etc better.

As an artist of more than 40 years, I wonder if I changed a few words if this makes it sound any less evil? Let's see ...
1. Look at hundreds of images in galleries and online
2. Use them as data / inputs into my brain
3. Produce some artwork based on the general rules I've learned and what I've seen that intrigues or influences me.

I think the issue is simply the scale at which a machine can do step 1, because that step is no different than what any artist does, just at a smaller scale. We've all learned our craft on the shoulders of giants and create work that in some ways are influenced, consciously or unconsciously, by what we've seen over our lifetimes of looking at art. It's a rare thing that anyone produces anything remotely "new" these days, sorry.

I wonder if that is the fundamental issue for artists unsettled by that technology? That it's technology reproducing what an artist does (viewing an being influenced) on such a scale? I don't know, carry on.

Comment Surely Apple's (supposed) thinking ... (Score 0) 410

... has nothing at all to do with the sewer of out-and-proud racists, Nazis, conspiracy nuts, anti-vaxxers, misogynists, and folks re-posting the NZ mosque massacre that Elon's "team" could not catch on his precious platform? If Elon were all for free speech (as so many use the term incorrectly anyway) he should be happy Apple was exercising their rights, no? Elon needs to go back to where he came from, like his supporters tell anyone not US born, no? Oh, right, he's white and rich, sorry, forgot rules don't apply to white narcissists born in Africa. *hypocrites*

Comment Re:People knew it was going to shut down (Score 2) 117

But no one created a game that showed that possibility.

I was trying to create one.

The working title was "Dental Hygienist Tiffany Lets the Dentists Fill Her Cavities". It was about a dental hygienist, Tiffany, at a dental convention in Las Vegas that was coincidentally being held in a convention centre adjacent to the Adult Video Award show. It was a 3D, MMORPG featuring 16 online at a time. There was even a sequel planned.

Google didn't seem to be interested.

Comment Overheard at Adobe HQ ... (Score 1) 41

"So, Bob, we have a real problem. Adobe XD sucks balls and no one uses it. What are we gonna do?"

"Well, Andy, let's not try to actually make a decent UX design tool on our own, let's just buy Figma or Sketch, instead. Then we can take the best parts of that, mess it up by adding the Adobe magic, add it to CC and charge a shitload for it, and done. One competitor gone. Cool?"

Comment Oh sweet hell, no? (Score 2) 41

Tell me this is April 1st? Someone? Anyone? Sigh ..... I've been doing this for 30 years, this design thing. I remember Illustrator 88 and Aldus PageMaker and Quark when it was merely a toddler at version 1.0. Macromedia and Hypercard. I've used both Figma and Sketch extensively, but moved over into an org that had Figma as its main tool. Alright by me, they are mostly the same in terms of functionality anyway. But Adobe possibly buying Figma? No, that'll end Figma for me. And thankfully, I'm head of UX, and can take that decision meaning it's far more than one license they'll not get. We'll hold onto our old files and Figma software to view them, but going forward if Adobe acquires them? Makes them subscription based and clutters it with overhead and useless "features"? Adobe's loss is Bohemian Coding's gain. Way to go Adobe ... if you can't compete (as you've shown for years you can't in this space), you buy and crush.

Comment So, despite productivity massively up ... (Score 3, Informative) 167

Since 1980, productivity by the average US worker is up nearly 62% Wages, over, have. only climbed 17% during that same time. So the question is, to the billionaire CEOs who make 300x the average workers wages now (compared to merely 20x back in the 1960s) ... HOW MUCH FUCKING HARDER DO YOU WANT US TO WORK FOR YOU?????? PS. The average US worker would be making more than $160,000/year if our wages had kept pace with CEO wage increases.

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