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Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 4, Interesting) 725

If you shot all the people you believe are demon possessed, there will be far less people you believe to be demon possessed. That doesn't make demon possession real.

Eugenics is based in part on gross oversimplifications of genetics and in part on the absurd idea that attributes like economic status are biologically heredity.

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 5, Interesting) 725

True, but some of us are willing to accept that the universe doesn't give a fuck about ideology.

When AGW first became a big issue in the 1990s I was talking against it as a big scam on Usenet; particularity my old haunt it was when one of the regulars, a biologist (why any scientist would waste his time debating Creationists I'll never understand), pointed out to me that the theory was reasonably well supported, there were a boatload of papers and that science isn't the product of emotional need, and I finally accepted that AGW, even if it suggested things that I didn't like, was legitimate science.

Comment Re:Not a good thing (Score 2) 154

I'm not clear why it should. If you have geological structures under stress, there is already considerable energy in the system, and it may only take a small amount of additional energy to release the much larger amount being pent up.

If you have a bowling ball balanced at the top of a cliff, the energy released by it falling and hitting the ground far below is far greater than the energy required to push it over the cliff.

Comment Re:So, it's true (Score 1) 119

Huh? It's been demonstrated many times in many different ways that gravity is by far the weakest of the fundamental interactions. Gravity makes little difference at the atomic and subatomic levels. Atoms are not mini-solar systems. The forces that bind atomic nuclei and bind electrons to atomic nuclei are fundamentally different from gravity. Here's a tip; at least at the temperatures and densities you will find virtually everywhere in the universe today; gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak interactions are very different.

Christ pal, your claim was known to be rubbish eighty years ago. To see someone making a claim that atoms are mini solar systems in the 21st century isn't too far different from someone claiming the Sun orbits the Earth.

Comment Re:Underlying cause? (Score 1) 361

Well, I didn't actually say anything about Senator McCarthy. It is true that there were communist infiltrators, and it is true that the Rosenbergs were guilty. I'm talking about J. Edgar Hoover, who had secret files on pretty much every person in power in America. Like that dangerous communist, John F. Kennedy, for example, who knew not to mess with J. Edgar because J. Edgar could prove that Jack was bedding two or three different women a week. How many current politicians know not to mess with the NSA, because they know the NSA could scuttle their careers?

Comment Re:Star? (Score 4, Insightful) 119

Stellar fusion can occur with atomic elements up to iron. There are a number of metals that are lighter than iron. If I'm reading this right, stellar fusion could conceivably be triggered by heavier metallic elements if they were "selected for" by the properties of vortices during the formation process.

Comment Re:Know your history (Score 1) 361

Unfortunately, when it happens, the good things about the USA will fall with it. I admit, I enjoy being in a place where I can live on a nice suburban street with minimal immediate worries, drive a comfortable car with air conditioning, gas it up when necessary, and purchase as much food as I need at the grocery store whenever I need it. When the house of cards comes tumbling down, the WHOLE house of cards will come with it. Of course, our runaway spending will probably topple it before the iron fist of the NSA. But when it does happen, it will hardly matter what the most immediate exciting cause was.

Comment Re:Know your history (Score 1) 361

One YEAR. The exact same trend is continuing. No one of power is fighting this. No one is backing down.

No one, or almost no one, gets that high in the political machine without having some serious skeletons in the closet. And who knows where all those skeletons are hidden? Oh, yeah. The NSA. QED

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