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Comment Re:More proof (Score 1) 667

Why is redefining the symbol cheating? That's exactly what we are talking about here - its only a fact because people agree on it, if people cease to agree on it, its no longer a fact. There is no such things as "5" in nature, its a construct that we agreed on to represent a particular number of singles - we can redefine that construct any time we like, so long as that redefinition is taken up by the vast majority of people.

Once upon a time, "broadband" simple meant "Of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies". Broadband has now been redefined to be a particular minimum internet connection speed by the FTC.

Once upon a time, "gay" meant simple "happy", now it has other meanings.

See how that happens? Nothings set in stone.

Comment Re:Is nursing high-paying? (Score 2) 200

In the UK its a common myth that doctors have it better than nurses.

It might be that way once you get to the upper echelon of doctors, such as surgeons, consultants etc, but for the bulk nurses have it much better.

Nurses have protected breaks, doctors are required to respond to calls regardless of what they are doing - which means you have 2 minutes to eat a meal in.

Nurses have protected working time limits, doctors do not and can work up to 75 hours a week (the EU Working Time Directive was supposed to curtail this, but what actually happens is your working time is averaged out across your entire working year, including 4 weeks of holiday...)

Nurses can offload all responsibility to doctors, and doctors cannot refuse that responsibility - a nurse can write "doctor informed" in the patient notes and absolve themselves of all problems later on.

On a typical night shift in a hospital with 600 beds, there were usually 2 - 3 nurses per ward (30 patients or so), and 2 or 3 doctors for the entire hospital, excluding A&E. Which means treating patients at either end of the mile long hospital is fun...

My wife worked out that, if you just correct for hours worked, she was paid worse than a porter in the hospital, let alone a nurse.

Comment Re:Most plans wont cover that much. (Score 2) 238

The insurance of the party found liable for the injury - does that make it any clearer? If you hit someone, your insurance covers it.

And yes, in the UK healthcare is indeed covered by the Government through the NHS. You get a free ride to A&E (ER), a free bed, all the doctoring you need to ensure you aren't going to die from your injuries, whatever ongoing surgeries you need to improve your life etc.

But once you are off that ventilator? Can't work for the rest of your life due to brain injury? Need 24/7 nursing care? Mobility assistance? That's what the insurance covers. Otherwise its basic NHS and government welfare, which is more than adequate to enable you to live but leaves much room for improvement.

Comment Re:Most plans wont cover that much. (Score 1) 238

In the UK you have a choice - fully comprehensive insurance, which covers everything including replacing your own vehicle, or third party only (well, you can add fire and theft cover) which only covers the costs of any third parties you hit.

The choice of level of cover, plus additions such as legal cover (covers your legal costs should you be sued) which are the voluntary aspect of your premiums total, the other being your risk component.

But at all levels, third party costs are completely covered no matter what level that is to. And third party cover is mandatory in the UK - if you are hit by an uninsured driver, your insurance covers your costs and recovers the costs via legal means. If a pedestrian is hit by an uninsured driver, then they have the NHS to help them.

Comment Re:Why not self-insure? (Score 1) 238

An insurance company can cover the eight figure payout to the 6 year old kid you ran over and left with life long and life altering problems. Can your retirement account cover that?

That's why insurance is a big thing - you can probably cover a couple of hundred thousand dollars if you really need to, but its when you can't cover it that having a big backer counts.

Comment Re:my vote: (Score 1) 648

Nope, the spec is as linked to MS as Java is to Oracle, and you would have no problems finding a .Net job even tho its in lower demand (lower demand is all relative).

Plenty of universities also use .Net mixed in with Java and other languages - the OU degree I recently finished started off with JavaScript for intro to programmng, migrated to Java for a more advanced course, introduced another set of concepts for UI stuff with VB.Net, and handled algorithms and computability using python.

Nice mix, eh?

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