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Comment Pick the right company. (Score 0) 481

There are lots of companies out there that are full of old farts like you. Look for a place that seeks people with lots of experience. Documented experince is one of the strongest and most requested assets in the business. As long as you stay updated in your field, age shouldn’t be a problem. And remember that people with more experince than your are even more rare than you because the business was really small +30 years ago compared to now.

Comment Can’t wait to see this happening (Score 0) 205

I love crows, they are smart and intelligent creatures.
They are very systematic and meticulous in their way of foraging.
So it wouldn’t surprise me if they would take on the challenge.
But we have to be careful not spawning a new crow race of evolution,
turning our crow buddies into our flying overlords.

Submission + - Looks like YouTube just switch to their new Polymer based web design moments ago

Sla$hPot writes: From

Rethinking libraries and frameworks Using the platform doesn’t mean leaving libraries and frameworks behind; it just means making them lighter, and designing them to complement the strengths of the platform itself. At their best, libraries and frameworks make our jobs easier. They provide off-the-shelf solutions for hard problems; broadly applicable abstractions that save us from reinventing the wheel; and useful patterns and constraints to help us structure our apps intelligently and avoid shooting ourselves in the foot. The challenge is to achieve these benefits while minimizing the weight of our solutions and making the most of what the platform provides. Within this problem space, as always, there’s plenty of room for innovation and opinion. For our part, we aim to treat the platform as the framework, adding value in the form of lightweight, optional “sugaring” of platform APIs; loosely coupled, interoperable modules; and effective patterns for composing components and applications from smaller building blocks. https://www.polymer-project.or...

Question is: Is the web standard getting to bloated with special features or is Polymer a reasonable step forward?

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
