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Comment Re:Keys to the kingdom ... (Score 1, Funny) 183

Instead they figure the surveillance state is necessary to protect us from the bad guys.


To these people, "us" are not on the same category as "them".

If burning a hundred citizens per day on an altar assured Cameron unlimited power, the killings would start tomorrow in the early morning.

Comment Terrorists!? (Score 1) 183

This is the most irresponsible and inconsiderate answer on this important topic.

Terrorists? Seriously? What about child molesters? What kind of monster would hide the safe havens for child molesters behind the cover of terrorism?

Cameron has revealed himself as either a pedo or incompetent to fight online child pornography.

Comment Re:Rather than modern, go to older. (Score 1) 112

I was joking. Medipults would be ridiculous.

The correct system is to have an underground vacuum tube distribution system so anyone can take the patient, throw him into the accessibly placed MediTube and let compressed air move the poor sod to the nearest hospital.

You will believe I'm also joking in this post, but this is how it's actually going to be in the future I come from.

There was just one ailment that required calling an ambulance instead of using the MediTubes: explosive diarrhea.

Comment Environment (Score 1) 455

What she asks of machines they cannot have, as it comes from birth. She's looking at the wrong place. the furthers step isn't Watson, but UHFT.

An amoeba's interaction with its environment comes from the fact that it's a product of that environment. AI are not a product of their environment, they are artificial. What Alva Noe asks of an AI could only be answered by one that appears spontaneously from its environment.

However, the environment we've created in which AI could appear is way too simple to allow such spontaneous creation. For now.

The singularity won't arrive by a human built AI but by the evolution of a spontaneous behavior on an environment created for human purposes. Thus, the pool from which true AI will come isn't Watson, but ultra high frequency trading. Not a created being, but a created environment in which inexplicable behaviors arise.

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