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Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

I stated before that GWB would have eventually signed off on the abolition of DADT in the military.

I stand in admiration of your capacity to Make Stuff Up, then treat your own utterances as received wisdom, e.g. "Obama is a conservative President".
You are Teh Man.
Meanwhile, where is the next installment of Karl's Folly?

Comment Re:"it appears that we tortured, raped, and murder (Score 1) 24

I've given you the answer. I've continued to learn, assimilate, criticize, and grow.

Don't even try to convince me you thought it would end differently or even at all.

So. Then. Just. What. Is. Your. Point?
You seem as a boat passenger who is both unwilling to steady up on a course, and angry that the boat never gets anywhere.
I would that we could put YOU in charge, Mr. Tomato-Lobber.
Contrarianism is like salt in the food; past a little bit for flavor, it quickly grows intolerable.

Comment Re:"it appears that we tortured, raped, and murder (Score 1) 24

only says what you feel about the guy in charge now

Can you substantiate this? How do you even get to a person, much less a political party, from the linked poem? Or is this your usual make-it-up-as-you-go play? You're as pathetic as damn_registrars, who can't even be bothered to hold up his end of the Karl's Folly* Reading Club.

*The Communist Manifesto

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