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Comment Re:Put things in perspective... (Score 1) 951

Christians believe in a trinitarian God where God the Father, God the son (Jesus), and God the spirit (also called the holy spirit/holy ghost) exist in a quantum entangled state. The founder of Christianity (Jesus) is said the have been the biological and spiritual son of God, the father.

Muslims believe in a non trinitarian God with Mohammad as his prophet. They believe that Jesus's claims and the trinitarian view of God are false.

Jews believe in a non trinitarian God. They do not believe either Mohammad's or Jesus's claims, and they believe that the trinitarian view of God is false.

Mormons believe in a Godhead, three separate beings united in purpose with God the father at the top, then Jesus, then the Holy Ghost. They do believe Jesus's claims of divinity, but they believe that after he ascended into heaven that the Church became corrupted.

To say that these four religions believe in the same God demonstrates a gross lack of understanding. While the differences may appear to be superficial, they have profound theological implications, that have been expounded upon through the centuries. Those differences also are what define these four religions as separate, independent religions, and to say otherwise belittles all of them.

It should be noted that I am a Christian of the Pentecostal denomination.


Measuring Engagement In Games 72

Gamasutra is running an article written by Tim Hong of EmSense in which he describes the research his company did into the physiological reactions various games engender in players. In addition to outward cues like breathing and movement, EmSense also scans brainwaves and heart activity to provide a more complete picture of how a gamer is responding to what he sees and does. They collected hundreds of hours worth of data and made comparisons among a variety of shooters, such as Gears of War 2, F.E.A.R, and Half-Life 2. They found some interesting information on how pacing, tutorials, and cutscenes can affect a player's level of engagement with the games.

Comment Re:Yes the Vatican Is So Pure & Holy (Score 1) 675

Most of the people you find in any church worship money, not God.

I don't think that is a fair comment. Churches are varied and diverse in temperaments, beliefs and practices. Some are intellectual (Holy Shit! Thinking Christians!), while others are more simplistic about beliefs and practices. Churches can be warm and welcoming or cold and aloof, rich or poor, large or small.

People have different reasons for attending as well. Some go because that's what you do on Sunday. Others go just to commiserate with friends. Then there are those that attend to grow closer to God with like minded individuals. In short, Churches are like any other community. A range of characteristics, personal beliefs, and motivations all reside with in. This my point of view as a life long believer.


Journal Journal: Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Enhanced By Brain Compensation

Science Daily reports research team led by Tadashi Isa, a professor at the Japanese National Institute for Physiological Sciences, NIPS (SEIRIKEN), and Dr. Yukio Nishimura (University of Washington, Seattle), have found that brain compensatory mechanisms contribute to recovery from spinal cord injury. This study was conducted in collaboration with Hamamatsu Photonics (Dr. Hideo Tsukada) and RIKEN (Dr. Hirotaka

Submission + - Towel Contributes to Acne (

Nick Wilson writes: "QAR reveals a clue about acne breakouts and prevention Atlanta, Georgia, 11/16/2007 — The use of towel or absorbent fabric is common after bathing, face washing, drying the skin and worn after bathing around the waist. Do you know how does towel contribute to acne breakouts? Towel's surface is rough and uneven. Towel absorbs water and sebum from the skin. Now the bacterial replication and growth starts as damp and wet environment is favorable for bacteria to grow and develop and the towel becomes a hub for bacteria. Within half an hour, a colony of thousands of bacteria is developed in your towel. As with people who use the towels multiple times before watching it can transfer the bacteria from the towel to the face. Bacteria enter the hair follicles of your skin, grow there, infect sebaceous glands stimulate over production of sebum and make them inflamed. After bacteria have resided your hair follicles, it takes hardly 12 hours to occur your first acne breakouts. Studies report that people are unaware of the fact and use harsh synthetic remedies topically and orally that further worsen the symptoms. Avoid using towel after bath or face wash. For massaging the skin instead of using towel, use herbal skin care tonics and massage for few minutes. Massaging will unblock clogged hair follicles destroy bacterial colonies within hair follicles and sebaceous glands. About: Quick Acne Remedy ( ) is serving for people affected with acne, provides a platform for researchers and acne sufferers for sharing their ideas and providing best solutions. The research department of writing is engaged in providing true information about acne and its prevention."
The Military

Submission + - Invisible tanks?

cadeon writes: "Well, we don't have flying tanks yet, but the UK isn't too far from invisible ones. New technology that can make tanks invisible has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence. In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012.

If these things work anything like the Stealth Tanks in Command and Conquer, then war has officially became scary."

Submission + - Canadian Taser Death Sparks Canadian Uproar

e-scetic writes: Yesterday a video was put on YouTube depicting an obviously frightened and non-threatening Polish man being tasered by police and dying within minutes. The incident actually happened a month ago but police had been holding onto the video. It was just released.

The incident is causing a diplomatic "spat" between the Canadian and Polish governments, Canadians are horrified and in an uproar over it, and the Canadian government is calling for a review of police use of tasers.

Some links can be found here, here and here. Probably better to Google it, though.
The Internet

Submission + - MST3K...THE 'BOTS ARE BACK! (third down) (

An anonymous reader writes: Beginning November 5th, BBI will be launching its very own website at The site will feature brand-new animated adventures of Crow, Tom Servo and Gypsy. We're told the goal is to have one new adventure each week (though "some settling may occur with shipping," they added). The Web site will also feature work from the original series (which BBI is now calling "the legacy series"), behind-the-scenes footage and other material culled from the BBI vault. Also on the site will be BBI's first online store, featuring all new merchandise. (This means that the BBI merchandise section of our site will be taken down. ) The new adventures of the 'bots are being produced by BBI President, MST3K series writer and the returning voice of Gypsy, Jim Mallon. He will be joined on this new experiment by veteran MST3K series writer and performer Paul Chaplin (who will be on the writing team and will be providing the voice of Crow) along with new writing and performing talent.

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