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Comment Re:Make up your minds (Score 1) 714

Isn't your post self contradictory?
If a government detects and blocks the protocol then it's blocked for both good and bad guys and Tor is rendered ineffective.
If however its possible for the bad guys to bypass these blocks the it's possible for the good guys too in which case Tor is achieving its purpose. I'd be grateful for anyone more familiar wih the tech to chime in at this point.

Just to be clear, it's purpose is not to "help the good guys". It's to provide a technology that enables uncensorable speech. With respect to my original post it is firmly on the side of "freedom of speech", with all the ugly consequences that entails.

Comment Re:healthcare's a rip-off (Score 1, Insightful) 138

> Why is healthcare such a rip-off?

Because you are American.

Before anybody jumps up and yells at me that other health systems have their own problems and/or their success/efficacy is greatly inflated, let me agree with you that all those other health systems are generally crappy too.

It's just that your health system is so fucked that it makes everyone else's crappy to mediocre systems look luxurious* by comparison.

* in the Monty Python sense.

Submission + - Marx may have been right (

Black Sabbath writes: While communism has been declared dead and buried (with a few stubborn exceptions), Karl Marx's diagnosis of capitalism's ills seem quite bang on the money. Harvard Business Review blogger Umair Haque lists where Marx may have been right.

Comment Best thing ever made with a Microsoft logo (Score 1) 624

Code Complete is the only programming book I read (almost) cover to cover after I was already working as a developer. Truly the bible of programming (as opposed to the bible of X programming language). As a largely self-taught programmer (does 1st year Fortran and Pascal count as a CS education?) it neatly captured most of the lessons I had painfully learnt over a 10 year period. Once I read it, I thought "why the hell isn't this force-fed to every CS student?".

Apart from that, K&R's C book was one I kept going back to as I was only an occasional C programmer. Lean but information dense.

Comment Re:What on earth were they thinking? (Score 1) 296

Wikileaks is currently "primarily focused" on its continued existence. What with DDB effectively shutting them down, governments all over after them, their financial lifelines cut off and staff harassed. They have barely had time to fart let alone continue their mission. Nevertheless, even with the cablegate archives, its clear that its not all about embarrassing the US if you bother to read some of the cables. A lot of other governments get their share of embarrassment. Just this morning I read of a cable referencing the "embarrassing" case of 180 chinese immigrant children in Sweden who have gone "missing" - probably into the human trafficking industry. Nothing to do with the US see?

But why rely on facts when they just get in the way of a world view that processes everything through a "you're either with us or agin' us" filter.

Comment Sure we will... (Score 2) 281

I find it difficult to fathom why people think geoengineering is feasible.
In terms of cost, effort, technical know-how and potential risk, there seems to be a clear hierarchy of options:
1. Conservation/efficiency - do more with less
2. Alternative sources - biofuels, algae, solar, thermal storage etc
3. Geo-engineering - deal with the consequences of failing on 1 and 2
4. Colonize another planet - !!!

If people can't be convinced to make even the smallest dent in their lifestyle to support the costs of doing 1 and 2, what on earth makes anyone think taxpayers will be willing to fund the true cost of 3 (or 4)?

Talk about jumping the shark.

Comment Re:Privacy and anonymity online... (Score 3, Interesting) 77

I'm not so sure about that. There is no end to the layers of obfuscation and detection which leads to an arms-race where (for short periods) anonymity and privacy are theoretically (and for those committed enough, practically) possible.
However as far as arms-races go, I believe this one is asymmetric. It eventually has only one solution (for the state): outlaw encryption.

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