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Comment Re:Auto-Installing *anything* needs to die. (Score 1) 284

We should just make a foundation that goes around and sues companies that make auto installing toolbars, maybe hire some layers to pull them through the mud, using despicable legal tricks to stall the case and cost them money.
Small claims court cases submitted out of town or to a minor employee so when they ignore it you autowin.

Comment Re:But you still can't uninstall it... (Score 5, Insightful) 284

WHY is it grayed out? WHY MOZILLA? Tell us?

This is not acceptable, the button should always be enabled even if the file is a plugin and resides outside of mozilla's profile folders, have a delete plugin file button. When you click it if you don't have the user rights to delete the file it should automatically throw a user escalation prompt.
How hard is it to get this right? COME ON!

While we are at it forbid installation of plugins and extensions without direct user approval from inside firefox. What OTHER installers are doing to firefox shouldn't be trusted, not at all.

Comment Re:Pshaw (Score 1) 270

Not enough, damned expert's exchange! I had to download a grease monkey script and everything, seriously screw those guys. And have you tried searching for a name of an executable? "HURRR CLICK HERE TO FIX XYZ.EXE RELATED ERRORS"
NO! I just want relevant information on the damn executable not traps for computer illiterate people and the shovel ware the sites are peddling.

Comment Re:a good thing! (Score 1) 257

How about people get off their asses and pass laws that make farming e-mail addresses of people from the internet a crime punishable by imprisonment? Further a host that sends spam is disconnected from the internet. How much spam needs to be sent can be determined by the large e-mail providers like Gmail, Yahoo,msn and what have you else. A national(international if you will) database of spammers can be made and the top X off the list get their ips disconnected.

Comment Re:Why stop pirates? (Score 1) 378

What's worse is because of draconian drm the games themselves work at least one third better compared to with the drm sucking up valuable ms coding and decoding things. The worst offender is by far Valve's steam platform on older hardware. I have a friend that owns the entire valve release catalog from one of their series, but chooses to play the single player stuff cracked and without steam running. I've seen the fps output from cl_showfps and net_graph.

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