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Comment Dear Californians (Score 1) 437

What are you waiting for. This is your opportunity to completely transform your state and become energy independent leading the way for a greener and cleaner America and even a chance to make a buck og two in the process by selling off your excess power production... Talk to people in your neighbourhood pool your resources that way you don't need to wait for incompetent politicians working for the lobbyists or greedy power companies out to take your rightful chance to make an earning from you. Best of luck you don't just have a window of opportunity... you have the barn door open right now!

Comment Are you surprised? (Score 3, Interesting) 82

How different is this from the childish and immature attempts if the Indian government to attempt censoring the BBC documentary just a few days ago on a world wide scale. Truth is that so called governments in many so called democratic countries are scared beyond comprehension and are feverishly trying to put the genie that the internet is back into the bottle for the internet allows the public to expose the lies and manipulations they engage in on a global scale instantly to billions at the time. All free people if South Africa must stand up to this sort of censorship as must the rest of the world. For it is through free open and uncensored communication we can win back the freedom that these types are trying to pry from us under different guises. I wish you find the courage to send this proposal back into the landfill of oppression from where it was dug up and dismiss the types that have come up with the proposal from their job. For they have forgotten that it is you they serve and not the other way around!

Comment India going down the drain? (Score 1) 356

I say. It seems India is taking a step down the road to nothing less than media dictatorship of the entire world in what will be a futile and embarrasing attempt at hampering free speech. Could someone please step up and tell these Indian politicians grow up and own up to the problems that clearly seem to exist rather than trying to sweep em under the rug

Submission + - Exopolitical petition on Congressional hearings suffers more attacks

einar.petersen writes: January 7, Paradigm Research Group (PRG) submitted "Disclosure Petition VII — Congressional Hearings" to the White House.

It calls for President Obama to support congressional hearings to take testimony from military, agency, political witnesses to events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

In a strange turn of events the petition seems to have been suffering a range of difficulties since it was put up leading to speculation across the web of deliberate sabotage attempts, the latest setback being someone posting multiple signatures naming him/her/itself, as ET trying to make a mockery about a very serious attempt to bring perhaps the most important subject of the millennium to the attention of political actors of the world.

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, has done an immense job collecting information and making sure departing and newly inaugurated Congress members have received hours upon hours of witness testimony on the subject matter from military, agency and political domain and now calls upon the White House to allow hearings on the subject.

The petition resides on the White House website at: http://wh.gov/igRrq

The Paradigm Research Group can be found on: http://paradigmresearchgroup.o...

Discounting the seemingly current sabotage attempt, the petition should be above at least 10.000 valid signatures at this time, with some way to go before reaching the 100.000 needed to warrant a reply from the Whitehouse.

However given PRG's track record and the massive interest of the American people in the subject matter, it should be entirely plausible that the petition reaches those numbers, prompting a potentially very interesting hearing.

In lieu of actual Congressional hearings, from April 29 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, and military/agency/political witnesses representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

You can read more about those hearings and access them via http://www.citizenhearing.org/

Submission + - Another chance for disclosure on extraterrestrial related events and evidence ?

einar.petersen writes: After a successful Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) at the National Press Club, Washington, DC and the White Houses official discouraging stance on the matter of disclosure being:

"The U.S. government has no evidence any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

The Paradigm Research Group ( http://paradigmresearchgroup.o... ), based on the availability of military/agency/political witnesses and researchers willing to go before congress to swear to the opposite, is petitioning The White House and the President to allow official congressional hearings on the matter.

A 100.000 signatures in total are needed for an official response by The White House and it will be interesting to see what the end result will be.

The petition can be found here http://wh.gov/igRrq

The full video record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has been delivered to all congressional offices as part of a Congressional Hearing Initiative dedicated to achieving comprehensive hearings.

For the skeptics and believers alike, downloads of the CHD are at: www.citizenhearing.org

So where does the /. community put it's 5 cents ?

Comment Ah the free market economy at work (Score 1) 437

It is so funny to see these Goliaths scream for access yo markets and for free markets and then attempt to play the cold war russian economic planning game attempting to control content etc... the movie studios / music studios are a joke not to have open licensing without borders people are willing to pay a fair price for the same content not differing prices for differing content and calling people pirates and criminalizing them when they are using a paid service that the movie companies are actually earning money from is an insult to logic and actually shows a total lack of seriousness on their part... no net neutrality and a forced global market that is what should be pulled over their heads as a response to this behaviour.

Comment Spoke english in Denmark? (Score 1) 578

Where did this guy go to school... the old Scandinavian language was Norse you even have remnants of it in english streetnames etc..... and people speaking and writing Faroese or Icelandic will still today to a wide extent be able to read and understand Norse.... English as a world language in the Scandinavian and other Nordic countries has by no means suppleanted any of the languages spoken there...

Comment Woolpower ? (Score 1) 250

Wear wool, turn off heating... yeah I know you mentioned wanting heat but think of the free cooling for your electronics that you'd get at the same time... and why is your south facing rooftop not plastered with solar panels already ? I live in an apartment complex (in Europe) and I basically have not been using ambient heat radiators for a year and a half and did not even have to put on the woollen jammies yet. I am guessing your question is more of the rhetorical kind to enlighten fellow slashdotters. On a side note the multiple times I've been in china and in rural areas wool was the solution indoors with room temperatures nearing waters freezing point by a few degrees. People need to get out of their comfort zone. A lot can be done by installing multi layer gold coated thermo glazing in your windows. Wall isolation etc. Look at experimental, zero and even plus energy housing all over Europe. The biggest hurdle against independance is legislation brought on by the energy lobby to curtail initiatives and you see that happening all over the world. Be creative but most of all fight idiotic legislation such as area laws that demand red clay rooftop tiling because you need to fit in with the rest of the "useful idiots" and other laws that curtail freedom and innovative ideas that would keep you from implementing power saving ideas.

Comment Refused... Are you kidding me ? (Score 1) 112

Security by obscurity - just one more way to hide what you are doing... Truth be told, how can the citizenry accept a committee refusing senate ordes and FOIA requests ? Is it not time to stand up and demand fully transparent government, is it not time perhaps to put an end to more than 4 years in office. Is it not time to implement perhaps something like a meritocratic process for the elected to ensure our western governments are not run by nincompoops only looking out for themselves and in politics for the sake of power and money, why on earth would you want to keep secret how elections are being held. It is only by open scrutiny and failsafe mechanisms one can ensure free and open elections. Do we not send observers out in the world to ensure we see free open elections taking place, do we not criticize when we do not see such open and free elections. What is the difference between looking at abstract code and a human being looking at how counting is being done manually.... zero !!! In fact having humans peruse the code is comparable to having observers observe an election to make sure the code performs the task properly. Just like our government seem to like to spy on their people, following their every sms, their every phone conversation, their every email, their every opinion, perhaps it is time for the people to "spy" on their government by having responsible politicians put into effect completely open voting systems and laws opening up every aspect of government and demand complete insight into the electoral process going on inside the voting machines. One could perhaps even consider a lottery where people are selected for for civil service for a period of some years and placed in a non refusable position at some time in your life, age naturally with a guarantee of ability to continue in jobs etc. after ended service. This way you will eliminate the"livelihood politicians" i.e. those who have chosen politics as their livelihood, some even jumping perhaps from party to party, from "belief to belief" according to public opinion just to be able to cling on to a well paid seat in parliament or elsewhere in the system. The same should be done for the civil servants so as to ensure we not in reality are governed by a group of civil servants while the elected perform democratic theater thinking they are in control. The task of any politicians and the political system as a whole should be to ensure that the citizens are free to live their lives as unrestricted as possible, to create a society that allows the individual as much freedom as possible to live life in a way of that individuals choosing. To create the framework where within jobs can be created by the productive citizens of a country. The western democracies need a complete reboot so that the slide towards secret corporate run governments can be averted. We need to free government from undue influence from all power structures other that the citizens themselves. This refusal is a prime example why it is time to wake up and take action before it is to late !!!

Comment First using Open hardware and then... (Score 1) 203

I hope this is not a question of learning using Open hardware and then going all Gosh this is clever... Yeah - I'll patent this so nobody else can utilize this improvement of the open technology unless they pay me, so what if I have sucked everything out of the freely available tech available to me.... is that the idea ? I seriously hope not and I also seriously hope he won't be selling this revolutionary patent out to some of the 3D trolls trying to patent everything 3D printwise and thus be part of stifling an industry still in it's birth... particularly as a user of open technology and someone who had learned using open technology I would seriously consider where to put my allegiances. Or perhaps he's pulling a Makerbot and deviating from the Open Philosophy... after all there is some brand affiliation it seems. 3D Print Developers need to put everything in the open describe every crazy idea they have about 3D printing to prevent the trolls... and now apparently also the kids from preventing 3D becoming what it has potential to be. A liberating technology breaking down the geolocated production monopolies, allowing each and every one of us to be our own creative geniouses unbound of the corporate stranglehold silly nilly trade agreements and IP shenanigans. @Thomas Suarez - If you're following the talk about your apparent technology, we'd like to see actual patent submissions so we can see if there's prior art to save you from a lot of trouble down the road and pricey laywer fees. Also it would be interesting to hear your take on Open Technology Development and 3D printing for instance. I surely hope I am misreading your intentions when you are pushing for a patent and trust you will be doing the right thing and participate in the open and free development of 3D printing technology - That is the way to win friends and influence people ;) Best of luck with your endeavors!

Comment Decentralized power ? (Score 2) 86

Hmmm... Did anyone just say why don't we use this opportunity of reliance upon centralized power and the weakness thereof to get rid of the energy cartels and rely on decentralized power instead, thus making our nations stronger, more independent and resilient to both attacks and natural disasters ? Just food for thought on a day that Solar Power just got greener and not to mention cheaper http://www.geek.com/science/se... The fact that power companies are being "attacked" is old news - The right path to take in the light of these "attacks" is one of energy self reliance. That means "self powering" each building and furthermore securing such installations from infograbbing / controlling entities looking out for their own profits with no real concern for your needs or finances.

Submission + - Extended session logging ends in Denmark (version2.dk)

einar.petersen writes: In what could be seen as a victory for online privacy the following news from the Danish Ministry of Justice seems to have trickled in today.

The massive session logging as per mandate of the Danish Government going far beyond the session logging deemed illegal by the European Court of Justice looks like it is coming to an end as per announcement from the Danish Mnistry of Justice.

The move will likely be applauded by industry bearing the costs of the logging and privacy enthusiasts alike. Though people are already questioning what is to happen with already logged sessions etc.

Google translate of text here:


Original text is in Danish

Submission + - Robots and irradiated parasites enlisted in the Fight against Malaria (indiegogo.com)

einar.petersen writes: Sanaria is a biotechnology company dedicated to the production of a vaccine protective against malaria caused by the pathogen Plasmodium falciparum has developed a vaccine that in trials has proven to be 100% effective.

Annually, malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum causes greater than 300 million clinical cases and one million deaths, is responsible for loss of greater than 1% of Gross Domestic Product in Africa


They are now on a crowdfunding mission to raise a mere 250.000 USD to build a Robot that can harvest irradiated parasites from mosquitoes.

If that is not a crowdfunding effort worthy of slashdot interest then I would think none is...

Imagine preventing millions of deaths and it involves Robots and Radiation!!!... They can certainly count me in...

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