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Comment Re:Pffft (Score 1) 723

Winter tires are advised even if there is no snow since they provide a far superior performance in low temperature conditions. Not sure about the climate in Oklahoma, but if you have many months with temperatures falling under about 7C/45F you should switch tires in the winter.

Comment Re:Murica Fuck yea! (Score 1) 635

Well, more or less. People living in a city here expect to have at least a grocery store and a public transport stop within walking distance, making this information almost mandatory in all housing offers advertisements. I recently relocated to a different city and the greatest distance I found in the various offers I evaluated was 500 meters.

Grocery stores actually have to place the stores strategically since customers want to be able to get there walking and tend not to be too loyal to a given chain, so if you are significantly farther away compared to your competitors you lose customers. In my neighborhood alone there are at least a dozen grocery stores, half of them belonging to the same 2 big players.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 181

You assume that these manager are not being more competent/cautious but the provided statistics are not enough to infer that.

Some lower-raking workers might have to send out sensitive informations only sporadically or even not allowed to send out sensitive information at all while a manager might have to send out sensitive information on a daily basis. This means that the manager will make much more errors than the lower-raking worker even if they are equally competent/cautious and maybe even if he is actually more competent/cautious.

Comment Re:Refractive index? (Score 1) 195

With 99$ you can buy full-coated single-correction lenses with "entry-level" refractive index, but if you want a very high RI material the price can rise easily to 300$ or more. You can go with the cheaper material, but above a certain correction the lenses become very thick and heavy which makes a high RI material *much* more desiderable.

In my case, I have around -9.00 myopia so I wear my glasses all day. I bought the highest RI material available which made the lenses *much* thinner and lighter, but very expensive... At this level of myopia you also have to chose a frame requiring a small enough cut, since concave lenses grow larger and larger the farther from the center.

Comment Re:All or nothing (Score 1) 903

It actually works that way because at the core it's the same issue: the insurance wants to reduce claim costs by enforcing/incentiving behaviour which prevents the claim to happen at all or reduce its magnitude. The difference is in the way it's done: you might get a discount on the premium e.g. if you do extra checks or maintenance or keep a low mileage, or get your claim paid only if you have proof that you did the due maintenance correctly.

Car insurance is less expensive simply because the insured risks are much cheaper than in health insurance.

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