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Comment Re:Why the CAPS? (Score 1) 116

What retarded backronym have they come up with to justify writing it "SHIELD"?

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division?
Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-Enforcement Division?
Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate?

Comment Re:Really, Slashdot? (Score 1) 230

I agree there should have been more positive options, such as already using one or definitely planning to use one.

As for why we tend to be conservative about certain types of new technology, it's because we've seen how many times products and services focus on their primary function and attracting users while not paying enough attention to the tedious and difficult things like security, privacy, and rigorous testing. Do you think we aren't interested in new technology, convenience, and cool concepts? Of course we are. We just don't trust that it will be implemented safely and with sufficient consideration for potential problems. Because we've paid attention to what's happened in the past.

Comment Re:What is Parody? (Score 1) 255

What makes you think fan fiction has any sort of fair use protection? The creators of the original works generally just don't care about it (or may even like it).

And just because a derivative work is entertaining, that doesn't mean it's a parody. If it isn't a spoof or a commentary on the original work, largely through irony and satire, it isn't parody. Changing the genre or style isn't enough. In fact, being similar in feel to the Galactica reboot, which certainly wasn't a parody, doesn't argue well for this piece being one.

As for the rights holders being assholes who hoard their properties, they may have valid reasons. Maybe they're considering making their own more grown up version of Power Rangers. Or maybe they want to maintain a kid-friendly image of these characters, and a video that ranks high on search engines is a much bigger threat to that than an assorted mess of fan fiction.

Comment Re:Videos for future moments (Score 1) 698

You can also include some more generic moments, like 'I support you,' 'I know you're going through a difficult time, but it'll get better and I love you,' etc..
You might want to include several 'shocking news reaction' videos where you do spit takes.
Oh, and whatever you do, make sure you never say anything like, "I was just talking to your mother..." when recording these.

(Yes, I'm making light of a serious situation, but sometimes that's the healthiest thing to do.)

Comment Re:Highest in infant mortality (Score 1) 297

If you google, infant mortality by state, Mississippi has the highest infant mortality rate. Double that of many states... It must be a coincidence.

Don't be ridiculous. It's obviously because of vaccinations and not:

*having one of the highest premature birth rates in the nation
*obesity during pregnancy (Mississippi leads the nation in obesity too)
*widespread poverty
*an incredibly high rate of teenage births

Comment Re:its not about the ring, its just a lesson. (Score 1) 591

It's even worse. After looking at the article, I can't even qualify it as a threat, credible or not.

Aiden claimed Thursday he could put a ring on his friend's head and make him invisible like Bilbo Baggins, who stole Gollum's "precious" in J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy series "The Lord of the Rings."

Somehow, the school authorities took the claim of one boy that he could use an invisibility ring to make someone invisible as a threat that he would 'make the other boy vanish'. Combined with the boy's past history with the school, I have to wonder whether the authorities are really so incredibly delusional and incompetent or if this is a deliberate campaign against him.

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