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Comment Re:Ride one in January (Score 1) 100

I use Citi Bike as the first/last part of my commute, between the train station and work, all year round. It's about .75 miles, and since it's not convenient (or economical) to take mass transit that short bit, it's a question of either walking in the cold or biking so I'm in it for a shorter time and generating more body heat.

I'll admit I don't bike when there's an inch or more snow on the ground or it's raining harder than a light drizzle, though.

Comment Estimate of 660 meters (Score 3, Informative) 53

In case anyone else was completely confused about the ''estimate of just 660 meters" in the summary:

But let's do the math: even if these particles are moving at almost the speed of light--300,000 km/s--and they live for 2.2 microseconds, they should only be able to travel about 660 meters before decaying away.

Yet I told you these particles are created at the top of the atmosphere, which is some 100 kilometers, or 100,000 meters up! From our perspective, that muon should never make it to the ground. And yet, it's Einstein to the rescue, thank to the fact that when objects move close to the speed of light, their clocks run slow.

Comment Re:bye (Score 3, Interesting) 531

Anyone who's a fan of Opera back when it was still innovative and highly configurable (way back in version 12) might want to keep an eye on Vivaldi, a browser being created by a number of people who left the Opera team after the change in focus. It's based on the Blink engine and the developers are working on incorporating many of the features of Opera 12. It still has a way to go, as it's currently still at the technical preview stage.

Comment Philosophy (Score 2) 152

From a philosophical or pure cause and effect approach, sure, the makers of an app have some responsibility for the effect it has on people and what they do as a result. From a legal/liability standpoint, generally not.

The article writer is just saying to keep in mind that how your app behaves, how it looks, how it presents data, can have a real effect on its users, so you should consider the implications of your decisions.

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