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Comment Re:List of folks with permanent rights of way (Score 3, Insightful) 290

3. Bicyclists

You haven't ridden a bike since you were 16, have you?

Do you think cyclists feel entitled to their right of way to the point where they are oblivious to oncoming collisions? If that were true, don't you think after, say, six months, there wouldn't be any cyclists left because they had all been run over?

Walking down the street with a screen attached to your face and being oblivious to the world around you is a lot different than riding a bike through a busy intersection and dodging every third car driven by someone with a screen attached to their face.

Comment Re:Is javascript dangerous? (Score 0) 125

But, the real difficulty for the attacker is to inject some JS into a page in the first place. This is (usually) not easy!

Why are we not able to lock down our javascript files before they get sent to the browser? Sure, inline scripts could be exposed, but anything served as .js should have a header that tells the browser whether to give me all the juicy bits of the javascript running on the page ... or not.

Really, why should someone be able to see all the javascript on your site just by hitting F12? Shouldn't we be able to turn this off, ala a header in .js files, so that we can use it for debuggings/development, but disable it in production?

More importantly, why should this content be exposed to various nefarious "plugins" when an infected user visits your site?

Comment Re:web designers (Score 4, Insightful) 353

Yes, that's exactly what they're saying. Was there something you weren't clear about?

Do you think developers just sit around all day looking for tracking scripts to start installing on client's sites?

Since the advent of saving markup in the DB, clients have become empowered on what code runs on their site. They google something, find a script snippet that they don't understand, copy and paste it into their CMS' "additional header scripts" field and save. They don't understand the concept of optimizing image files, let alone be concerned with the number HTTP requests on each load.

Comment Re:Both left and right in denial about vaccines (Score 1) 580

Lets be clear that as in so many aspects of life, misunderstanding science of a matter is not the province of just the left or right.

So basically, this article is attempting to prove your statement, and that's all.

Why did they pick Silicon Valley? Because they already know where Marin County stands, and they're simply working their way south? Bullshit. Marin County is giving the left a bad name. This is simply an attempt to balance perception.

Comment Re:There's always that guy (Score 1) 175

There are less sites on the web today than there would be if domain squatters didn't exist.

A: This sounds like a feature, not a bug.

B: People act like having to pay a couple grand for a desirable domain name is such a travesty. If you're a legitimate business and you can't scrape a chunk of your advertising budget to buy the name you want, you should probably just stick to your brick and mortar.

Comment Re:New TLDs will hopefully end this practice (Score 2) 175

The practice is so widespread, new software can never be named something practical and descriptive. It's always gotta be some name from left field. I came across one recently that was so bad, the website didn't even say what the software did! All it says are buzzwords with a link on how to install. They want you to install the software before you know what it does.

Sigh ... Millennials.

Comment Re:68th to 22nd and there are many to go (Score 1) 192

More popular ... wiping your ass with toilet paper, or wiping your ass with fir boughs?

More popular ... vacation on Maui, or vacation in Damascus?

More popular ... Green means proceed / go, or red means proceed / go?

You define popularity as an amount of noise generated by media about a given consumer product. I prefer to think of popularity as the choice of the masses due to utility.

Are you trying to imply that Swift would be better served by being less popular? I mean, maybe among you and your Swift coding buddies, sure, it will still be the most popular, but will it be the most popular EVAR? I feel like this ultimately has something to do with an inner fear and irrational hatred of anything below 32 bit.

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