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Comment Re:Underwhelming (Score 1) 65

, I don't want to have any Microsoft trash in my phone, much less when it is delivered with a name fit for a cheap stripper.

Um... Cortana is a cheap stripper?

Of the 3 personal assistants -- Apple has the cheap stripper name with Siri. Siri is a Scandinavian girls name.

Duckdukgo search "Cortana" Allblue colored woman wearning very little. Stripper? mebbe.

DuckDuckGo search "Siri" only one photo of a pleasant looking Indian woman in a sari. So I suspect a typo Otherwise a slew of Apple's microphone icon.

I call him right - I think you gotta own this one.

Comment Re:Good, this is the future (Score 1) 40

I'm baffled as to why my body seems to be able to grow an endless supply of utterly useless hairs and cherry angiomas, but a few microns worth of slippery fat on the end of my bones? Nope. Not happening.

Clearly my cells were able to do it ONCE, can we do it again, please?

This is the future, electronics is mature, computers have become this hermetic playground whose benefits elude me, but biology is really still in its infancy.

It's because we are trying to make science do what we are not made for, You and I have lived long past our useful and biological lifetimes.

I was listening to a Ted Talk on stopping the aging process. It was interesting, but in the end, the people involved sounded rather demented, like Dr Frankenstein only less shrill.

And sad to say, all the years added to our lives are at the wrong end. If I could be in my 30's for an extra 40 years, that might be okay. But even the people who live to be in theier early second century tend to be more like prunes than people. That's what we are attempting to do, live out half our life in nursing homes.

No thank you, I'd trade off being dead now instead of that horrible drawn out death.

Comment Re:Science is fine... Academic institutions are no (Score 1) 444

Right, I'm in the humanities and there is this running joke that you only need to publish one really bad and obviously flawed paper on a really popular topic, and your career is certain. It's true, one bad paper, a followup book that is even worse published at 'prestigious' publisher like Oxford UP*, and you will get cited

We're talking abourt science, not the humanities.

Comment Re:Why is this dribble on the front page? (Score 2) 445

Texas, on the other hand, outlawed gay marriage and got deadly floods and tornadoes.

Don't forget another state blessed by God, Oklahoma. They are getting hammered too.I think that falls under the "working in mysterious ways" escape clause.

Seriously I do feel awful badly for those folks. I hate when bad things happen to anyone, even if they hate me with a passion.

Comment PowerPoint uses (Score 1) 327

I've had people bring down PowerPoint posters like big posters. Doesn't work very well because PowerPoint is not compatible with itself.

One guy actually wrote a freaking report in PowerPoint, then brought it down to be repaired. Had to be totally reset in a real layout program.

One person used the every crayon in the box approach, using every damn transition in the program. The room was just about to go into full freak mode.

But perhaps the worst thing about PowerPoint is the appearance of veracity, where unamalgamated bullshit can be presented in a slick official looking form that acts like propaganda that himmler would be proud of. Hope I didn't just Godwin myself - I think the comparison is accurate.

Comment Re:Why is this dribble on the front page? (Score 2) 445

Maybe the anti-creationist, anti-Christian witch hunters set this bogus thing up, just to have an excuse to go after the Christians. Something looks bogus, but I'm nowhere near convinced that some church is responsible for it.

Who else would care? Fundamentalists have long lost the science war, so they go for the court of public opinion .

Also noted your completely whacked conspiracy theory that a group of anti-cheristian witch hunters set this up so they have another thing to go after.

Seen any suspicious rainbows lately? This might fill you in on what the governmen is doing I hear it targets Christians:

Comment Re:Bats don't control mosquitoes (Score 2) 89

Sounds like a great idea until they take up residence in your house.

They normally huddle in trees. But the eaves and soffits of your house are much better for huddling in to stay warm, because besides being cozy and secluded, they naturally collect heat during the day. It is a very annoying process to exclude the bats without killing them once they're moved in, and once they're out you have to immediately seal every opening over 1/4 inch in diameter or they'll come back. Yes, that small.

Living in a wooded development, we've had issues with Squirrels, bats and chipmunks.

As it turns out, there is a fairly simple solution to all three. First thing is you need to seal up the ingress points. Turns out we had a triple walled Chimney which was part of an ill thought out scheme to use as ventilation. But the wire mesh deteriorated over the years. So you have to take care of that. But now you might have animals trapped inside. Stinky dead squirrel sucks.

Now where's the trick. You make a egress point on the side of the house. I drilled out a 4 inch diameter hole in the sheet metal that formed the gable. Then I took some thin firring strips, and a piece of transparent plastic and made a 4 foot by 2 foot box that fit over the hole in the gable, open at the bottom end. So now you have an egress point - one they cannot get back in the house through. They can see the light, and after getting thirsty/hungry enough, they take a jump and are free. You need to be certain the escape hatch is long enough that the bats can't get back up. Has to be smooth inside.

Since then, with the house properly sealed, and free of critters, I just took off the egress point, and put a cover over the hole, and painted it to match the rest of the gable. Problem over. Point is that the house needs sealed.

Man you should hear how pissed off squirrels get when they find their normal entrance/exit blocked. Sounded like a frat party in the attic for a day until they made the big jump.

Comment Re:Looking better (Score 1) 236

Is "Ol Olsoc" your true and legal name? If not, then you're just as much of an anonymous coward, you prissy fuckwit.

Oh, don't be more of an ignorant douchbag than you already are. I'm not anonymous in the least, and you are only one very small level more so. Don't for a minute think you are actually anonymous. For the purposes of these discussions you effectively are, because no one gives a shit. We're all just having fun. Say or do the wrong particular thing, and you'll be known rather quickly.

And I don't really recommend testing that one.

Comment Re: ...recharging electric vehicles without cables (Score 1) 41

This is already done at a local grocery store. Friend of mine drives an EV. It uses an app on his phone and automatically charges his card. It also lets you know how much time is remaining to finish charging, kW used, etc..

Excellent! I never heard of that, but I guess it shows I was thinking in the right direction. Now imagine a parking garage with a gazillion solar panels on the top level, and the cars park underneath it, kept out of the sun and rain, and charging up.

Comment Re:Bats don't control mosquitoes (Score 2) 89

Mosquitoes are an insignificant part (under 1%) of the diet of insectivorous bats. Bats prefer moths and wasps - many more calories per catch. Bats will eat mosquitoes, they just prefer just about anything else.

I've seen some pretty impressive insect eating campaigns by bats. One was late day when there were hundreds of swallows flting above a church and catching gawd knows how many insects, must have been a hatch that day. Then as it was almost dark, the swallows flew away to be instantaneously replaced by bats. Likewise hundreds of them. Now imagine should the swallows and bats go away. The insects like that. But we might not.

Second was one evening I was driving in the woods, and my headlights suddenly illuminated several bats jumping up and down on the road. This was around the beginning of the white nose thing, and I thought they might be ill. Further watching showed however, that they were curb stomping insects. Quite efficiently it would appear.

I encourage bats and other insect eaters to take up residence in my yard.

Comment Re:Is a reduction (Score 1) 89

The Nature Conservancy does some really cool work, however, make no mistake, the bats that currently face potential extinction can't be saved by an organization such as them. It will require Government, and that usually requires an association with the devil (lobbyists)

The devil is right. The Government does some really cool work, but as long as we have vested interests that don't give a damn about critters, failure is only one mid-term election away.

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