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Comment Re:Early Universe (Score 1) 157

Surely, according to the current theories, the "big bang" would be similar to just a "big supernova" in which heavy elements and very heavy elements are created.

No - I guess the simplest way to put it is that hydrogen and helium were the products of the big bang. Then as stars created heavier elements through fusion and "redistributed them through supernovas the products formed yet newer stars with more of the heavier elements in them.

Thinking of the big bang as an explosion isn't quite correct.

Comment Re:One thing for sure (Score 1) 531

I'd be happy to change this discussion to the topics of your choice, right after you acknowledge that "refuses to communicate" objectively does not apply to the Christian god. Or the Muslim one. Or any other religion which has prophets and a holy book.

Sorry, but your definition does allow for lack of communication to be communication.

I'll not bother to wordsmith with you.

Comment Re:It should stand two degrees, for sure! (Score 1) 253

and then the US proceeded to shoot down a satellite after having criticized china for their stunt.

China accuses US of double standards over satellite strike

Your point? Presumably the satellite was about to de-orbit and wold have been a danger due to the fuel. Hydrazine.

Nasty shit, that

As likely as not, they waited until the thing was close to deorbiting and then took it out. All of that orbiting junk eventually debris. If it is imminent, destroying a potential big hazard that would otherwise fall more or less intact - as far as I know, the hydrazine tank was full as the satellite failed quickly - you'll opt for destroying it at the last moment, and letting the fuel go boom in space.

Comment Re:One thing for sure (Score 1) 531

You're changing the goalposts


He wrote, while changing the goalposts.

"Refuses to communicate" and "refuses to communicate to me right now with a particular method" are different things.

Regargless of the wordsmitihing, he or she doesn't.

Previous communication is still communication, and if you're willing to acknowledge the Garden of Eden, the Flood warning, and the 10 Commandments as communication, then my point stands.

To my point, is why a diety that was in constant direct contact at one time, is now pretty hard pressed to do anything.

Regarding tose early days of direct communication and even more direct intervention, are you willing to acknowledge the genocide, the incest and all the other immoral "communications"?

As for "refuses to communicate right now", what have you done to seek communication with your creator?

I regularly follow the workings of the Universe. There are more new and interesting discoveries about it every day. A whole lot more interesting and inspiring than burning bushes, incest, and insane pigs running over cliffs.

You'll be hard pressed to find any follower of Christ who believes he "refuses to communicate".

Especially when they trot out the old "Some times the answer to your prayer is "no".

In that world, lack of communnication is communication. Sweet gig, that.

But let us take those earlier communications, and apply them to modern life.

If today, a man had children with two of his daughters, and claimed it was sanctioned by God, or at the very least not punished by God, - who has a track record of killing people for minor transgressions - would you add that to the communications from God?

Or killed his neighbors over a dispute, but kept their 10 year old daughter as a slave? Happened before, on orders from God, so it should still be all good, right?

The worst thing that ever happened to my religion (along with the weird priests and being excommunicated because my fiance' wouldn't sign a contract stating we would raise our children Catholic) was my actually sitting down and reading the Bible. That's crazy shit in there.

Anyhow what was the lesson from Lot? Offers his daughters to be raped by townspeople, then has incestual sex with them, and children no less. And the only person punished in that sleazy tale was his wife.

So what is the takeaway? Hell it reads like incest porn more than lessons (communications) from God. Lot's (see what I did there?) of other unsettling examples in that nasty tome.

Full disclosure - I did skip most of Numbers. After a while, all the begats just turn sort of hypnotic

Comment Re:It should stand two degrees, for sure! (Score 1) 253

This was a test of laser weapons. Either the USA destroyed it or someone else did.

I'd be just a bit - hell very surprised - if it was something like that.

There is a really good reason that we don't go around willy nilly blowing things up in space. It's the rough equivalent of shitting on your dinner plate. China started an international incident a few years ago when they tested an anti-satellite weapon. It's pretty trivial to make booms that take out satellites. But it hurts you as much as your enemy. One satellite worth of debris is a big deal.

Our fist war in space will be our last war in space. We'll lose GPS, Weather,Communications, space station, spy, science and manned space flights, and anything else that once resided in that area or tried to get through it. Until most of it de-orbits.

See? This is why we can't have anything nice.

Comment Re:Obligatory, #2: Laws of Physics (Score 1) 95

Palm Pre beat them all years ago. I dont understand why it has taken so long for everyone else to offer it.

Probably because wireless charging sounds like the best thing ever, but in fact is more restrictive than those awful plug-in paraphanelia.

I have these visions of people placing their Ikea chair in their car so they can charge their phones wirelessly. It ends up being a third thing you have to charge your phone.

So unless you never go out of Mom's basement you will need a wall charger, a car charger, and now a wireless charger.

The principles of wireless charging are simple, and could be implemented decades ago. Problem is it just ain't all that. You are every bit as tethered to something as any other charging technology. Much ado about not having to plug in a wire. certainly not all that different from charging docks for handheld radios that have been around forever.

Because when people think of "wireless charging", they think of carrying their phone with them and it automagically charges, wherever they are. Always fully charged, never comes out of your pocket unless you are using the phone The truth is somewhat different. Roughly the same utility as different colored phones. NOt new, and there's a reason they didn't adopt it aeons ago.

Comment Re:Last straw? (Score 1) 533

These people (ha, such a word for that kind of pond scum) do not want peace. What they really want is that other Islamic people say: yes, you do get a free card for murdering people if you are a muslim, even if you kill other muslims.

Even more than that, they just have a deep seated need for, and joy of, killing other humans. It's in all humans to some extent - witness our long history of death dealing to other humans - but the middle east has what I think is a genetic predisposition to the trait.

If the entire world was converted to whatever they worship, they'd certainly not stop killing.

Comment Re:Last straw? (Score 1) 533

Before we try to defeat them, maybe we should think about what will replace them.

Exactly. We have fallen into the same mentality of the people who live in that area. The problem is that they use whatever excuse is handy to justify killing their enemy. And their enemy does the same. And their enemy is everyone around them wh odoesn't pick their version of their diety. And they have been doing it forever and ever, world without end, amen.

If people want understand, read the bible. Not as a God so loved the world book, but as expressing the constant and neverending killing and war going on in it.

1. It's what they do.

2. They is all of 'em. 2. They will not stop until they decide to stop.

3. There is no forseeable time that will happen.

4. Because at some level, they enjoy it. You don't kill enemies for religion for thousands of years without enjoying it. It is religion and faith, and parts of that faith want the war to go on forever And we've been dropped ass deep into that shitstorm by people who want the world to end also. Just a different flavor of jerks. It's not hard to fan the flames of most of us either, because it is horrible what they are doing to each other, and yeah, that area is populated by some of the most evil motherfuckers ever hatched. They deserve death.

But, our involvement won't change a thing, except drive us bankrupt, and get people killed. 500 years from now if there are humans on the planet, they'll still be killing each other for their religion.Maybe they'll go high tech and lop of ftheir enemies heads with a laser.

And the asshats can spare us the "appeasement" crap, because I don't think Chamberlain was dropping bombs on (that place that shall not be named on the Internet) when he waved that stupid piece of paper at the British people.

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