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Comment Re:A special kind of stupid. (Score 1) 282

Not a lot. Technical ability doesn't have anything to do with moral reasoning or empathy.

Makes sense.

Arguably, you could make one of those pick-any-two triangles from that collection.

Doesn't make sense if the previous assertion is valid. It's not like the quality/quantity/time triangle where each part directly affects the others.

Comment Re:sue the carrier as an accompilce in the theft (Score 0) 269

Except that if you bought the phone in good faith and it then got bricked as supposedly stolen, wouldn't you take some action? If you have some trail of rightfully buying the phone (paper/electronic/witnesses), then it should get unbricked and the original owner should get the mud right back in his face.

Comment Re:Improvements (Score 1) 338

I just did a small test on all three for the fun of it and you're right about the startup time. For a simple hello world on my machine, Ruby 1.9.2 takes on average ca 50 ms to execute, python 3.2 70 ms and Java 6 100 ms. That startup time difference is too small for user-detection and once the program starts doing anything the difference will be in the other direction.

Other things you talked about don't have anything to do with performance, so you haven't talked about use-cases in plural but only about the small amount of startup time difference.

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