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Comment Re:nt (Score 1) 128

You're both assuming that the weak and stupid would actually be eliminated. Given that we're discussing a popular vote with no way to enforce even the slightest of eligibility rules (i.e., minimum age), I think that the best description of the ultimate victors would be "the hot ones," regardless of intellectual heft.

Comment Re:Batch (Score 2) 318

Is RPG IV still column-specific, as the version I learned in high school (I don't recall if it was II or III) was? IOW, do you need to use [code] tags around that snippet?

Comment Re:Be that as it may... (Score 1) 470

There's an old joke about a fellow who died, and as he was standing in the long line to get into Heaven he noticed a small trickle of people branching off from the queue. He asked someone (St. Peter?) who those people were, and was told they were the Unitarians. It turned out that the branch point was at a signpost; the mass of people were going in the direction marked "Heaven," and the U-U adherents were going on a trail to "Discussion about Heaven."

Comment Re:First (Score 1) 145

My favorites were The Glorious MEEPT! and Oog the Open-Source Caveman!


(Of course, Oog would be rejected by the lameness filter nowadays....)

Comment Re:Derp, Meet Herp (Score 1) 250

Sometimes it is absolutely necessary for the health of society. Remember Rosa Parks? Fugitive slave laws? Laws that made the teaching of the theory of evolution illegal?

"Because I love you, I can say this: no rich young white guy has ever gotten anywhere with me comparing himself to Rosa Parks." - Isaac Jaffe, Sports Night

Comment Re:Scarce? Where? (Score 1) 302

Glen Canyon and Hoover are separate dams; Glen Canyon Dam is upstream of the Grand Canyon and Hoover (which spans Black Canyon acc. to WP) is downstream of it. So far as the destruction goes (and I am not one to harp on such things, but this answer seems obvious), I suppose everything that is now at the bottom of Lakes Powell and Mead (respectively) could count. Cf. the former Maine plantations of Dead River and Flagstaff.

Comment Re:No reason to use it? (Score 1) 310

I don't follow their execs all that closely (I'd recognize the names of the two founders, but that's about it), but Googling those two led me to this article which mentions both and certainly doesn't call your conclusions into question.

And, within certain limits simply described as "timidity where the commission of felonies is concerned," I'd probably land comfortably within the circles described by your second paragraph, so I'm not going to throw stones.

Comment Re:No reason to use it? (Score 1) 310

This is why I feel that "Don't Be Evil" lost all meaning the moment that Google bought Doubleclick (inventors of the tracking cookie). Of course, I'm also old enough to remember the sheer outrage and total boycotting of X10 by Slashdot users (decimating their consumer customer base) because they were the first company to launch a major ad campaign using popunders. I'm still waiting for similar outrage to be aimed at Netflix.

(Incidentally, Chris Wright's Help Desk comic has established that the actual Face of Google is an extradimensional eldritch horror known to us as "G'oo'gl", and "it's not G'oo'gl's fault that when it communicates in the ancient language of its race, all of the meaningful nuances, tones and inflections of the words are lost to the range of human hearing, making every utterance sound like the same thing over and over and over again. It's also not its fault that the basic structure of its language sounds like a philosophical statement supporting something it has been opposed to since the beginning of time. After all, its language came first..."

The "every utterance that sounds like the same thing over and over again," of course, sounds like the phrase "Don't be evil."

Comment Re:Ahem (Score 1) 404

My standard answer -- and the only really cool Flash app I've ever seen -- is MLB's Gameday. That brings me to a genuine question: does HTML 5 support the sort of live data feeds that an app like Gameday runs on (not video, but a data stream that is then turned into a graphical display on the client side)?

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