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Comment Re:Unix way (Score 1) 272

Android has had push email for years.. 2.1 even has a little desktop widget to turn the syncing on and off.

The exchange features are somewhat lacking (although you can buy some very nice apps to make up for that). I don't think that's android's market though.. RIM have the business market sewn up.

I reckon they're looking to usurp Nokia, who are very vulnerable either now, especially now their marketshare has dropped below 50% for the first time.. they've put out a series of smart phones that quite frankly suck (Symbian is beyond help and it's about time they ditched it)... they keep putting shitty resistive touch screens on everything.

Comment Re:Science Fiction? (Score 1, Insightful) 782

The story was very generic.. I think it was aimed at the American market (possibly still guilty at killing all the indians or something) but it didn't engage me and like you the plot was obvious after about the first 10 minutes.

I liked the graphics.. I saw it in 3D but wasn't impressed with the 3d (creating depth by making the background blurry doesn't impress me it just gives me a headache). 2D would probably have been a better option.

Comment Re:That cloud word again (Score 1) 305

You just described a LAN (more like a workgroup). That is *not* cloud computing.

Cloud computing is just client/server. It's where you store the documents 'in the cloud' (remote server) rather than locally. Hence google docs (the subject of this article), in fact a lot of the google stuff is 'cloud' based.

Comment Re:I don't blame them (Score 1) 1078

5 seconds is more than enough to trigger an asthma attack. My wife nearly ended up in hospital after some idiot decided to blow his crud in her direction as she was walking into a building. I'm 100% for putting the penalties for nicotine possession up there with heroin.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
