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Comment Re:Fact Check! (Score 1) 169

Which Homedepot is that, here in Virginia they are $8.97

I go to the link, and I see $9.97.

I wonder if the original poster is getting local power company/state subsidies baked into the Home Depot price (maybe Home Depot can get the subsidy based on their sales). I know I can get $8/bulb subsidy for a couple of them (and yes, I realize that is just other people's money).

Comment Re:How much do LED bulbs cost? (Score 1) 169

Wait, do you really pay $1.83/gallon for milk? The best sale price I see (store brand) is low $3s.. I knew there was a special CA milk pricing thing, but this article says that CA milk is _cheaper_ than other states, so that makes it even more mysterious.. (

Comment Re:Good points, bad points (Score 1) 287

I agree with you in general, but I think it's fairly easy to leadfoot it *unintentionally* and go fast, especially on big open freeways.

Actually, it seems easier in my electric car (smart electric, one of the wimpiest ones), because I'd at least notice the higher revving of the engine in a gas car, even in a high gear.

Comment Re:And the almond trees die. (Score 1) 417

Well, see, that's part of the problem.. I don't "cook".

Though admittedly once in a while something I eat (like a few kinds of soup I like), the meat isn't really all that necessary.. But for the most part, the meat is often the most interesting flavor/texture of the whole thing, even if it obviously is a small portion overall.

Comment Re:Shit! (Score 1) 417

Many of the crops grown in California don't require the climate. They are grown there because farmers can do year round harvesting. Otherwise you wouldn't have many of the items you like in the supermarket during the winter months.

Do you have specific examples? You do realize that many things come from other countries, e.g. grapes from Chile.

Comment Re:WTF AM I DOING HERE! (Score 1) 109

Do we know for sure that they have "lost" their memories, and haven't instead lost the ability to access the memories? At least the cliched "they sometimes remember their kids" moments seem to imply the latter.

Computer analogy: The hard drive's still there, but not plugged in.

Car analogy: The gas tank's full, but the fuel line is plugged.

Comment If they're paying the contracted amount... (Score 1) 117

As long as Spotify is paying the licensed amount, Universal has no say in it.. until the next contract negotiations.

(I generally don't use ANY of these streaming services, btw.. because of the ads and limited amount of skips.. in THEORY I'd love to find a lot of new similar music to what I have, but I seem to usually already own the various things it thinks are similar to the bands I choose.)

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 128

Yeah, such legislation would almost definitely be unconstitutional; but some sort of legalist slurry, similar to the one that made 'obscenity' mysterious-but-constitutionally-unprotected, would almost certainly have been emitted and might well have worked.

As long as it didn't actually ban anything, why would a labelling law be unconstitutional?

Also, it only covers 'indecency', not 'obscenity', which you used, but most people don't realize that the FCC's power to restrict content on OTA stations (basic cable & satellite are _voluntarily_ following approximately the same standards) between 6AM to 10PM. Late nights, your stations _could_ be airing indecent stuff if they wanted to.

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