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Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 198

Founded by the US

That is misleading, if not false. I infer from that statement that you mean it was founded by the U.S. Government. Wikipedia confirms what I remembered:

Beginning in 1820, the region was colonized by African Americans, most of whom were freed slaves.

It did have help from a private organization, but not the U.S. Government.

Comment Re:Robot factories (Score 1) 331

Because college should be teaching you advanced skills or advanced ways of thinking.

Yes, I think automation will probably automate away many of these minimum wage jobs! Why can't a machine flip burgers?

Plus, you didn't respond to the part about minimum wage jobs not being intended as careers or for older people at all.

Comment Re:Robot factories (Score 0) 331

Why shouldn't people who work in the fast food and service industries earn a living wage even when they work more than 50 hours a week?

Because they're minimum wage jobs. Should someone really expect to be able to buy a house on minimum wage? Again, those jobs weren't meant for people's _careers_. (Why didn't they go to college? Community college even.)

Comment Re: Price of commercials (Score 1) 85

In the 70s, when cable TV first started rolling out, one of the big selling points was "no ads."

Not true, since cable TV started out as literally a shared antenna with cables to each house.. So it was "just" getting OTA, which obviously still had/has commercials in it.

Plus, even if that WERE true, just use a VCR or nowadays a DVR. (Though there are RARE times I will use On Demand for a show with 'forced' commercials.. Though several commercial-cable channels end up having their shows On Demand WITHOUT commercials, so it's even better than DVRing it for those shows.)

Comment Re:I'm all in favor... (Score 1) 432

In areas where Roundup-ready corn has established hegemony, such massive quantities of pesticides have to be used that half a dozen studies have shown sick people with high concentrations of those pesticides in their internal organs.

You do realize you're supposedly refuting "A DOES NOT HAPPEN" by saying "B HAPPENS".

Just because they're using *other* pesticides (unnecessarily?) does not mean THE GMOs THEMSELVES caused any problems.

Comment Re:You mean the same precautionary principle that (Score 1) 432

It's often common wisdom that you can fill whatever hunger you have by eating piles of fruits and vegetables as snacks. Nobody ever says this outright, but they recommend directly to eat fruits and vegetables if hungry between meals. Imagine just sitting at your desk all day, munching Doritos and pretzels; now imagine being healthy by eating an apple, two kiwi fruit, and munching on a two pound bag of cherries. As you observe, people wish to believe fruit is good for you and actively makes you healthier, and so eating a ton of it makes you a ton healthier.

I think you're making a bad leap there. Much of the reason that eating fruit is better for you (at least compared to Doritos), is because comparatively, it is much bigger than the junk food for the same amount of calories.. so it fills you up. Plus, at least some fruit does have some nutrients you need.

I say this as someone who definitely prefers the Doritos, but do know that "filling myself up on fruit" sometimes works.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
