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Comment Re:About time (Score 0) 118

Asshole has a point. Endless complaints about how much America sucks always come from the same people, who always wish America could be more like their favorite foreign countries. But they never seem to actually go to these countries to enjoy these benefits.

Honestly, I'm convince they just enjoy the hatred. If they actually emigrated, they'd have to shut the hell up. Instead, it's far more recreational to endlessly complain, while enjoying all of the positive aspects of America. Sweden has punitive taxes.

Comment Re:I Suppose Next We'll Be Seeing Benghazi Stories (Score 1) 465

You're regurgitating a false narrative, constructed to mislead. The IRS's own Inspector General found wrongdoing.

More troubling I find the idea that things that you disagree with shouldn't be aired. Seriously, a federal agency very conveniently loses records, which if found would be the smoking gun, and you say there's nothing to see here, move along? Really? Merely because you're politically opposed to the victims? Sad beyond's shocking that educated people really behave this way.

Comment Re:Turn off, tune out. (Score 5, Insightful) 127

Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Today's under 25 crowd thinks failure to have a facebook account is automatically suspicious. What are you trying to hide? If you're not proud of broadcasting your life, then either you have a pathetic life you should be embarrassed of, or you're some kind of deviant or criminal. Law enforcement thinks so, too.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2) 293

So depriving the parents of their children is the right thing to do? This sort of thing has a frightening racist history. It is precisely what the Canadian government did to the First Nations peoples. Their culture was judged hopelessly corrupt and their children were stolen and brought up as whites. This is pretty much the exact same thing. Sickening.

Comment Re:Government shakedown (Score 1) 153

People who hate big government don't hate it because of power lines, roads, and the post office. They hate it because government grabs more power, which it uses to grab more money, and on and on in a vicious cycle. This concentration of power attracts the worst kind of sociopaths, which just make things worse because all they want to do is obtain more power for themselves. Then, the social engineering starts, and you have people carrying out grand experiments with no care for the results. Cultures die like this.

Moreover the "city government officials' friends" thing really exists. Especially at the local level, nothing gets done unless the right palms are greased.

"The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false."
-- Paul Johnson

Comment Re:Confusion? Really? (Score 0) 207

I don't want anyone using my company's name on anything I don't own. People will get the idea I endorse it. The site admins are idiots for using a trademarked name in their domain name. This was the only possible outcome. Unfortunately, TEH EVUL CORPORASHUNS meme is so ingrained in some people that they can't possibly think that a company would ever be in the right.

Comment Re:OCA (Score 1) 184

The neck that the Shah's boot was on was the Islamic extremists. The revolution didn't turn out very well for Iran. They would have been better off with the Shah. Eventually there would have been a Ferdinand Marcos moment and Iran would have become a messy republic like the Philippines. But no, they got theocrats, and the country still suffers to this day.

Comment Re:Left brain vs. right brain leadership (Score 0) 209

There is no "right/left brain" at all. This was debunked decades ago. Why on Earth do fuckwits like you insist on perpetuating this myth? It's more like there are hard brains (like Steve Jobs) and weak brains, the kind that keep repeating discredited ideas despite scientific evidence to the contrary.

How do educated people even say things like "sacred geometry, art and magic"? WTF? Magic doesn't even exist. It's all sleight of hand by conmen. What does "sacred geometry" even mean? Please define it. How is it different from ordinary geometry? I'm genuinely curious to know.

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