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Comment Re:no problem (Score 1) 509

...except when science disagrees with Progressive fixed ideas. Then, suddenly, science is subjective and depends on the biased ideals the scientists don't realize they have. Just look at research on intelligence and culture. A lot of studies simply aren't taking place because the results will be politically unacceptable. But still, progressives tell themselves they're on the side of science. Sad, really.

Comment Re:robots (Score 1) 402

Have you asked some environmentalists or other leftists if the human race is a good thing that should spread? How about if we just keep the contamination limited to a single planet instead of moving elsewhere to destroy the environment like locusts? If there is even a single microbe on Mars, the entire planet should be off-limits to humans, forever. Including robot probes.

Comment Re:What is it with curtwoodward? (Score 2) 66

Maybe that's because government *is* evil and will happily crush anyone in its path? Especially in highly left-wing cities like San Francisco, where by default people -especially those who couldn't cut it in real life and resorted to government jobs - *really do* think that companies are evil, evil, evil and want to make profit by throwing babies into wood chippers.

Comment Re:Lawmakers need to do the right thing (Score 2, Funny) 120

Ah, yes, as soon as I saw this topic I knew someone would be along to blame it all on America.

Can you imagine a world without America? There wouldn't be *any* problems, anywhere. Especially in Mexico, all of whose problems are entirely caused by the "gringos" (foreigners). Amazing, eh? When America blames its problems on foreigners, it's a ruse to divert attention from the real problems...but when Mexico does it it's different. Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to America.

Comment Re:Better Idea (Score -1, Flamebait) 94

I thought that the "best and brightest" would go wherever they were needed. Are you telling me that in actual fact they're shallow people who don't want to live outside a small number of metropolises where they can live among people like themselves? Where's the diversity? These people aren't small-minded, and yet here you are telling me otherwise. I don't believe it.

Comment Re:yes, better switch to something else (Score 1) 266

The dismissive, sarcastic, "screw you" attitude of the parent post is precisely why I long ago gave up on reporting bugs in open source software. It's just not worth it to deal with aspies who heartily enjoy abusing people who aren't in their "ecosystem". I had hoped that things had changed in the past 10 years, but unfortunately no progress has been made.

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