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Comment Re:Who is the audience? (Score 1) 349

People keep saying this kind of thing. I remember predictions of the failure of the ipod too. And Ken Olsen from DEC said in 1977 "there is no reason for any individual to have a computer at his home."

Smart companies are going to dig into this kind of r&d to help meet the needs that we can't predict from where we are. If all a company does is make things that are obviously necessary or immediate successes, then we don't really make much progress.

Comment Variations in time rather than decay? (Score 2, Interesting) 95

Could it be that there are local variations in time during the original solar flare observations rather than fluctuations in the actual decay rate, and that it is not related to neutrinos from the flare but from some other gravitational changes coupled with flares?

I know, my ignorance is showing. Sorry. IANASH (I am not a stephen hawking)

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