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Comment Re:Citation please... (Score 1) 366

Actually, they've identified a gene DRD4 which influences a lot of personality type stuff; liberal/conservative along with things like novelty seeking, fear of unknown, etc. I don't know of any studies that connect childhood displays of the latter to adult choice of the former, but it sure sounds like something that is going to be studied. Oddly, I've noted that when this is phrased as "genetic cause of conservatism identified" it annoys conservatives, when it's phrased as "genetic cause of liberalism identified" it annoys liberals.

Comment Missing factor (Score 1) 447

You have to get married before you get divorced. There are couples who live together without getting married. (Or have a stable partnership without living together, etc.) It would be interesting to see how the rate of such couples splitting up compares, with respect to all these factors, given how many of these factors would be correlated with the choice re marriage or just non-married relationships.

Comment Re:Analog displays are better in some situations. (Score 1) 155

Exact speedometer reading can e quite critical, says officer friendly. My Honda has digital speedo and analog tach, which seems to be an optimal combo. It also has rotary knobs for the volume and tuning on the digital radio, mimicking the old analog items, and that's so much nicer than up and down push buttons.....

Comment Re:So, it has come to this. (Score 1) 742

What I don't get is that the US was founded upon the principles of everyone being equal and entitled to some kind of due process... Except when it comes to private business, when suddenly that whole idea goes out the window according to certain political philosophies. Ironically the same political philosophies often espouse ideals about freedom from oppression and decry dictators petty, tinpot, or otherwise. I've never been able to figure out how they reconcile such a disconnect where oppression from governments is the single greatest evil, but the same kind of oppression from private business is not only perfectly acceptable, it's a desirable outcome.

Because private businesses can't impose the same sort of oppression that a government can. They have to follow laws and they can't shield their employees from criminal actions. And you can always leave an abusive employer. It's much harder to leave an abusive government, especially, if it has imprisoned you. This stuff is not in the same league. It mystifies me how people can equate the huge power of governments with the far weaker power of businesses.

Dude, you are so 19th century.

Comment Re:So, it has come to this. (Score 1) 742

Why? On what grounds? Again, in all probability this is an employment contract where either party can terminate at will, except for certain protected reasons; race, gender, age, religion, etc. If you run a company and your biggest client comes in and says he doesn't like the salesman, fire him or he's moving his business, no court is going to tell you no. And it doesn't have to be a customer.

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