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Comment Re:Methane (Score 1) 186

Good, I'm glad someone said it. The whole time I'm reading this article a voice in my head is screaming "METHANE". That's what you get when you don't turn your compost, or let stuff rot without O2. This article is retarded. I mean, he has a point. Yes, remove the carbon from the chain, you can help try to balance it out. But you would have to fire it off into space to actually remove it from the chain. And that process would produce CO2, methane, etc. Just even mentioning that burning oil could be made up for by burying crops?! The guy is an idiot. Next hair-brained idea? We'd be better off doing everything we can to REDUCE methane production, and replace that with CO2 production. Methane is about 20x more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2, and plants DON'T pull it out of the atmosphere.

Comment A computer is NOT a typewriter (Score 1) 814

I've heard this saying for years. Yes, when I learned to type on a computer, then teacher taught us two spaces, but she probably learned on a typewriter. Modern font kerning does not require two spaces for the first letter after a period to look right. Two spaces on a typewriter made sense. On a computer, it's completely wasted space. I am glad to see modern devices (iPhone/iPad, etc) all insert a period if you double space. Hopefully that'll fix the problem.

Submission + - onemanga.com closing shop... (onemanga.com)

stazeii writes: onemanga.com, a great one-stop shop for scanned and translated (scanlation) Manga, is shutting down due to changes in philosophy from the manga industry.

From announcement:
"It pains me to announce that this is the last week of manga reading on One Manga (!!). Manga publishers have recently changed their stance on manga scanlations and made it clear that they no longer approve of it. We have decided to abide by their wishes, and remove all manga content (regardless of licensing status) from the site. The removal of content will happen gradually (so you can at least finish some of the outstanding reading you have), but we expect all content to be gone by early next week (RIP OM July 2010)."


Submission + - Unluckiest iPhone Thief (gearlog.com) 1

adeelarshad82 writes: Earlier this week, a man rode up to a woman on his bike, grabbing her iPhone right out of her hands. The story would likely have had a more depressing, less hilarious ending had the woman not been holding a handset sporting a prototype GPS tracking program. It took only ten minutes to track down and catch Toure, according to the San Francisco police.

Submission + - NASA satellite spots Buckyballs bouncing in space (networkworld.com)

coondoggie writes: Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope say they have spotted large soccer-ball-shaped carbon molecules known as "Buckyballs," in space for the first time. The molecules are named for their resemblance to architect Buckminster Fuller's geodesic domes, which have interlocking circles on the surface of a partial sphere, NASA stated. Observed in a laboratory 25 years ago, the molecules were thought to be floating in space, but had escaped detection until now, NASA said

Comment Map errors kill people, at least in Oregon (Score 2, Interesting) 312

Need I remind anyone of James Kim? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Kim There have been several other people that have been lost in that part of Oregon before and since due to map errors. We just need more devices that use freely updatable maps. My car's GPS system costs about $300 for a new map DVD because of licensing. MAPS! Why can't Google completely open it's data and make this all free? MS could probably do this too. Car companies would be all over that, since any errors could be easily fixed via an update, and limit their liability if there was a significant flaw in mapping data on a licensed DVD. Hell, why not just store the friggin maps on a thumb drive that can be easily/quickly updated via the net?

Comment They use 3W (Score 1) 539

I measured mine at home, and it uses 3W, either off or on, makes no difference. As for alternatives... The university I work at has kept it's analog, and comcast has said it will keep it that way since it didn't want to pay for a box to go in EVERY dorm room, and in many of the classrooms, and other spaces. That said, that would have amounted to well over 4000 boxes. The campus also handles all it's own distribution... so really, all they had to do is keep giving us analog. So, we got to keep our standalone analog feed while the rest of the city got moved over to digital. I'm guessing they split off our signal before any of the injections they do for cable modems, HD, etc, so they don't have to worry about clobbering the analog frequencies with stuff they've repurposed those frequencies for. That said, your need is rather small... so I can't imagine Comcast is going to cave on this issue. I'd get them to cover the cost of the boxes, and just double sided tape the things to the side/back of the TV, and use the IR extender that comes with them. Power is going to be your biggest headache, since they use a wall-wort. =/

Comment Hilarious (Score 1) 515

So, this guy in one paragraph basically said "we think the web should be standard, and integrated into browsers" and "flash should be used for the web". He basically just argued against flash while trying to support it. Amazing. But then again, these are the same people that created Postscript, and charged an arm and a leg for it... so standards are great, as long as they get royalties, yes?

Comment Chrome is cheating... (Score 4, Interesting) 140

Chrome is caching ALL content, even stuff that says "no-cache". While "no-cache" is somewhat broken, things like the horrible "Blackboard" web apps don't really work in Chrome because it's caching things that shouldn't be cached. If Google intends to do this, and encourage this with other browsers, they need to start teaching designers how to properly use caching headers so that Chrome doesn't break usability with it's aggressiveness.

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