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Comment Re:OOXML not included in old Office either (Score 1) 89

failure to include OOXML 'will cause problems for citizens and businesses who use office suites which don't support ODF, including many people who do not use a recent version of Microsoft Office'

Yes, this will cause problems for the citizens of Redmond, WA who work for Microsoft, and the business called Microsoft, Inc if OOXML is not approved.

Comment If you want to understand these people (Score 0) 665

I would strongly encourage you to watch this trailer for one of their movies: You may find the trailer disturbing, but it's important to watch it in it's entirety. What I deduce from this trailer:
  1. Christians are a people apart. Either you are a Christian or you are not.
  2. Being a Christian is more important than being a human being. Read that sentence again slowly.
  3. Christians are the minority.
  4. Christians are under constant attack "by society".
  5. Christians are afraid of death.
  6. Christians will be saved from death by their god.
  7. You can either be an educated human being capable of reason or you can be a Christian enpowered by faith. You cannot be both.
  8. The fundamental axiom of Christians is that there is a god. This axiom cannot be contested.
  9. This is subtle: Everyone believes in god until they fall into error. You cannot start with the axiom that god does not exist. Parse that again: No one can begin with the axiom that god does not exist, because if such a person existed their existence would contest the fundamental axiom of Christians. This cannot be tolerated. Therefore all such people must have started with the Christian axiom and then fallen into error.

From these deductions I conclude that since the theory of evolution does not require a god, only a mechanism for mutation, that this contests their fundamental axiom which if proven false implies nothing can save Christians from death, and thus Christians allow their fear of death to rule them. Since this kind of nonsense does not occur in Europe or in those states which don't have a voting majority of fundamentalist Christians I conclude further that this mental illness is not an attribute of Christianity but only of bizarre fundamentalist sects instead.

Comment Wow, there's a lot of women haters here (Score 0, Troll) 1145

Folks, I've been looking at the postings and it's clear to me that as a group your biased. Here are the facts of the matter:
  • 2 men made inappropriate sexist comments at PyCon.
  • Those comments offended a woman.

Which fact are you people not clear on? Those guys are NOT victims. They ARE the perpetrators. They're being fired is a direct consequence of their BEHAVIOR.

Here's a simple diagnostic that you can take to help you decide if you have a difficult time or are simply unable to understand when a comment is inappropriate:

Here's Atriusofbricia sig line: "I was raised on the command line, bitch."

Do you see the problem with it? If the answer is yes, then you're capable of understanding when a statement is demeaning to women.

If the answer is no, then you may have a problem empathizing with women. I strongly encourage you to give some thought as to why you're having trouble relating to women.

Comment Either you're doing it wrong or I've slipped into (Score 2) 965

a parallel universe. I don't know what Linux distro you're using that you're having so much problems with your hardware, but I do know that I'm a happy Debian user for 8+ years. My family has 3 laptops and 2 desktops (built by me from parts bought at all running Debian Linux testing and one person has a mac laptop.

I've got 30,000+ software packages available to me from Debian's repositories, all of them tested before I install them. I don't have to deal with downloading funky software packages from questionable websites. I just do a sudo apt-get install and I'm good to go. Debian was so stable that I decided to upgrade the software on my workstation every day with a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade for 3 1/2 years without problems.

I use KDE on my workstation an LXDE on my 7 year old laptop. Everything "just works" for me. Either I'm missing something or you folks must be using some really sucky Linux distro.

Maybe it's the hardware. I always check to make sure the hardware works with vanilla Linux. Are you folks using hardware made straight from Redmond? Are you using those funky windows drivers ( I wouldn't trust that steaming pile for anything. Don't ever use a windows driver on your Linux machine. That's just insane.

If you've never heard of Debian Linux, do yourself a favor and check it out:

Ubuntu Linux is based off Debian, except Ubuntu is about the bling, Debian is about the stability.

Comment Re:Wrong conclusions from the data (Score 1) 104

I would think the hardware response time would dwarf the software response time by at least an order of magnitude, i.e. it takes a solenoid to be activated longer than for the operating system to make the request that the solenoid be activated. At the speeds at which vehicles move I don't see how a software response time in the millisecond range could possibly be considered bad. Maybe I just need to see some examples to understand the issues better.

Comment Do a public service and let us know (Score 5, Informative) 467

It's been almost 4 years since I built my last box. I'm planning on building another desktop this summer and would like to know who to avoid as I'm intending to purchase a motherboot that's supported by coreboot so I don't have to deal with UEFI. If there's a motherboard vendor doing evil stuff and they're listed I would like to avoid them if I can. Here's the link for supported motherboards:

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 2) 245

libman, I just don't see the problem with the GPL license. The BSD license permits people to take free source code and lock it way and not share back, the big example here is Apple, and Microsoft's TCP/IP stack from 90's. The way I see it, GPL is an immunization for the user community against the jerks who want to take source code and not share back their changes.

I understand that some people don't see why it's important to immunize the community against for want of a better analogy I call antisocials. Certainly I understand why corporations like Apple and Microsoft don't want the community to be protected from people who take without giving back, but you haven't given me a good explanation yet for why you believe GPL is restrictive.

Yes, in terms of antisocial exploitation of software I suppose you could say it's restrictive. In terms of being able to make use of the software and modify it at will, I think it's awesomely free. The issue I personally have with the BSD license is not the terms of the license, but that it makes no provision to stop exploitation by corporations like Apple and Microsoft who do not have a history of share and share alike, but instead, a history of aggressively attempting to exterminate any competition.

Personally, I'm looking for a software license that makes the world a better place, not some Darwinian winner-exterminates-all-other-competitors where the only survivors are the companies with lots of $$$ whose priority #1 is to make more $$$ by any means necessary such as suing competitors with BS patents.

Comment This is not a technical issue. (Score 4, Insightful) 480

It's a policy issue. Here's the solution to the Gordian knot: The city sets the policy that all government documents received externally or written internally must be written using the ISO/IEC 26300:2006 standard format ( or pdf format. That way the Microsoft people can use their Microsoft office, and everybody else who doesn't want to be forced to use Microsoft products can use OpenOffice/Libre Office/Google docs/whatever. After all, that's the point of open standards -- everybody can use their own software to implement the standard. See? One big happy family and no bitterness. Now after having solved their painful and expensive problem, when do I get my consultant fee of 50000 euros for solving their problem so quickly?

Comment Seriously, who cares? (Score 1, Insightful) 187

It's like the guy selling the best buggy whips in the era of the car. Or the crazy homeless guy spewing crap about Soviet communism will triumph over capitalism any day now. It's only been 20+ years since the Berlin wall fell. Why does IE anything even matter? It's not going to be on your Android phone, or iphone. Who cares?

Comment Re:It's simple to explain the correlation (Score 1) 388

It doesn't matter whether or not they "controlled for caloric intake". The biochemical process by which fructose is processed by the liver converts the fructose directly into fat. A person who consumes 2000 calories daily of protein/fiber/low carbohydrates (with no sugars) is not going to have the same problems as a person who consumes 2000 calories daily of primarily sugar/fructose as the latter goes straight to fat and depresses the metabolism of the individual while the former does not. Please take some time to watch Dr. Lustig's presentation or the 10 minutes abbreviated version to understand what the metabolic issues are with fructose. Not all calories are the same.

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