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Comment Are You Scared of West Coast Earth Quakes? (Score 1) 114

If a little shake rattle and roll scares you? Take a time trip back to Naples in the year 79 AD. We are all at the mercy of Gaia and perhaps she is getting pissed at our insolence and stupidity again. I would not at all be surprised if the Earth is due for another major ice age that verges on a snowballing. Caused by something like an unforeseen coronal mass ejection that reduces the mass of the Sun and in so doing fundamentally changes the physics of our solar system and decreases the output of the Sun. Are we absolutely certain these kind of events cannot occur in the natural progression of a solar system like ours? Perhaps stars the size of our sun change habitable zones in a succession inward, this could explain why there was once water on mars.

The time of man on Earth might just be coming close to an end and we might not even know it. The shameful thing is that in our arrogance we believe intelligence is uniquely human and perhaps for this very reason we will not survive as a species. We are far to anti-social and aggressive to advance past our current state. Unless we get our shit together and learn how to expand (evolve) into a cooperative non aggressive outer space species human kind may not survive.

Comment Re: Live in a cave (Score 1) 664

even the four-way hazards should trip the computer into resetting the throttle algorithm.

Whoa... lots of idiots turn on hazards while moving, in the middle of a highway. I saw this in Virginia during snowstorms.

Not saying it's right or good, it just happens a lot.

Holy Crap nardo don't come up to Canada and drive stay south of the friggin' border please! Suppose you are in a situation where you come around a corner and you have a white out crossing the road and you know there is a large 18 wheeler only 300-400 yards behind you. When you hit the white out on the corner you need to slow down to squat mph to see where the hell you are going and your tail lights will dissappear. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? ONE: immediately hit the ditch, TWO: Stop in the middle of the road and get out to see where the ditch is. THREE: Speed up lose control as your wheels hit the ditch and flip your car and kill your wife and kids. FOUR: Slow down, carefully watch for the sholder of the road and increase the luminosity of your tail lights by pumping the brake lights to warn the semi. FIVE: Slow down, watch the edge of the road carefully and turn on your flashers to warn the semi that you have slowed down due to visibility difficulties.

Chances are if you are a moron who is not accustomed to driving according to the conditions you will just wind up going in the ditch at 70 miles an hour, or worse getting rear ended by the semi!

Comment Re:the service station answer is simple (Score 1) 318

In a nutshell make the batteries themselves removable and generic, but what do I know.

They are removable. The battery pack is roughly like an armored skateboard bolted to the bottom of the car. A mechanical swap takes 90 seconds.

As for generic, Tesla uses more or less standard 18650 cells from panasonic, basically the AA of LiIon rechargable batteries. The pack itself is propriatory at the moment, but what can you do? From what I understand the 'same' pack with generational improvements are going to be used with the Model X.

Thank you and it is good to see some people actually using their brains for a change. A method to save solar power and transport it is the key to the energy problems of this planet. Oil is only a very dirty and slow way of doing the job. No difference except that the sun shines mostly on deserts and methods of transmission must be addressed adequately. By covering a small part of the deserts some reversals of the CO2 caused changes in Ocean PH and the current thaw in your polar regions can also be addressed before the actions of corporate greed and wars cause another mass extinction.

Comment the service station answer is simple (Score 1) 318

Jake Fisher, CR's head of auto testing, put even that drawback in context when he enthused: "If it could recharge in any gas station in three minutes, this car would score about 110."

In a nutshell make the batteries themselves removable and generic, but what do I know. Like everything that requires a standard it ain't gonna happen any time soon until some level of extreme public input makes it happen. The oil companies would crap if all of a sudden there was a simple way to store huge amounts of solar power in local automobile service stations. UNTIL WE GET TOGETHER and stop sucking on the teat of big oil and the industry of wars we will not mature as a civilization deserving of this planet. This is ET is calling and if you don't hear the call you will be left in the dust.

Submission + - Musix Is Back in Realtime

deviated_prevert writes: The Musix distro from Argentina is an interesting combination, it uses Debian stable and much the same group of packages as Knoppix. However they have tuned the distribution for RT audio work and like Knoppix it really is fast to boot and run, even from usb on a stick. By far the fastest iso boot distro going, it boots from usb2 on my old IBM T42 laptop in under a minute. So far I have found it to be extremely stable and very well thought out. It looks like a very good setup for a DAW it is not bogged down by pulse audio complications and will work exceptionally well with older hardware like ICE1712 based devices like the popular M-audio cards as well as support all the newer devices.

Comment Re:Beta is illogical (Score 5, Interesting) 401

" But as TFA shows the sad thing is you WILL get COPD, doesn't matter how long ago you quit as you WILL get it if something else don't get you first. So if you are quitting do it because you don't want to be smelling like smoke or be out of breath, because if you have smoked more than a couple of years you might as well accept COPD is in your future regardless."

Negative thinking is a large part of what causes the addiction to be so difficult to break. Beat me it feels good syndrome. IT IS NOT true that you are doomed even if you quit. Also the only attitude to take is that you will be tempted for the rest of your life to smoke. The difference is that you need to make a habit out of not smoking. Don't get all sweated up there is no doubt that in the first week after quitting it will be difficult, such is the nature of the drug. Another misconception about tobacco is the fact that it calms your nerves. THE BULLSHIT fact is that it is essentially a speed ball concoction, at first the carbon monoxide brings you down as does the reduction of 02 in your blood stream. Yes it calms your nerves and the nicotine acts initially as a sedative as well, but the fact is that then after about 4 minutes it actually increases your heart rate and in reality nicotine is a form of speed as well. Most people are not aware of these facts and think that they are actually settling their nerves by havin' a butt. BUT IT IS A LIE, and you fool yourself into believing the soothing tones of the Marlboro Man lighting up on horseback.

Remember dada, dada dada, --dada, dada dada. As Yule Brynner rides off into the sunset. The tobacco companies up in Canada actually own part of one of the largest drug store chains, they did not suffer, but their victims do every day.

DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT and roll over and play dead, it can be beaten. Besides the more you try to quit the more you will learn how not to smoke and also reduce the insult to your body. But don't be negative to others about quitting it is just plain wrong and I am sure Mr. Spock and even the Marlboro man would agree.

Comment For all the naysayers out there. (Score 4, Informative) 66

That jump all over how terrible Tegra SOCs are, the chips still power a crapload of cheap devices all over the planet. What opening up the source on these chips will do is make it easier for smaller companies to create Android and other OS based devices for the expanding cheap device market. What some here refuse to realize is that China is a have and have not market. Those who cannot afford iPads and iPhones will go for the best cheap alternatives and Samsung's products are not significantly cheaper than Apple products. The stuff that they make that is low end could easily be blown out of the water by other companies that clone both the iPad the iPhone and high end Samsung products like the top end Note series and Galaxy 4 phones. You can bet within a very short period of time there will be a flood of cheap knock offs that do everything that these devices do and with just as much grunt but much cheaper.

The high end portable device market that is run by SOCs is undergoing the same thing the pc market went through, aggressive competition and a patent portfolio will not adequately stop the production of knock offs. This is most likely what NVidia is counting on happening, all they care about is selling a gazillion SOCs as fast as they can, just like everybody else that relies on sales of hardware for revenue. NVidia realizes that their SOCs are not going to make it into iPads and Win8 RT is a complete bust so they are instead taking a run at Samsung by opening up their software specs and making cheap but much more powerful versions of Android and even things like Firefox OS and Ubuntu on arm a real possibility. No doubt this will make many more powerful cheap devices possible than what we currently see coming out of the east. This sort of game change is only to be expected, even if many would like to see NVIDIA FOD they are in a position to change the game simply by not playing by the old closed source software design rules that killed many manufactures in the PC market place. My prediction is the next company to bite the dust will be Creative unless someone like NVidia buys them out and teams up with someone like Lenovo to produce killer pro devices and the like as well as consumer do dads. There will be a huge consolidation in the industry and this time Microsoft and their so called "hardware partners" could be left in the dust, perhaps NVidia sees the writing on the wall this time and is breaking free from Redmond's apron strings for a change.

Comment I call Bullcrap. (Score 3, Informative) 273

Every time a government anywhere in the world decides to threaten a drop of Microsoft software you can bet that their seat license agreements are coming up for renewal. And the threats to migrate are only a ploy to cut a better deal. You can bet the Microsoft rep has already been authorized to sweeten the coffers of some politicians pet riding fund raising or do what ever is necessary to very quickly ensure that the by the time a real decision is taken that MS office and MS server products are the ones the government chooses. Same thing here in Canada, but with our government the decision to go all MS is a forgone conclusion there is no such thing as "looking for alternatives to save money", we just contract out every service possible and kill off labour unions like the CUPE instead and spec that contractors use nothing but MS office and server software compatible with existing government servers. We, unlike Great Britain have public money to burn now that Harper has gutted government services and pushed just about everything out to contract.

Comment Bitcoin, gold or Belize take your choice (Score 1) 330

Invest in the country of Belize, one of the last countries that is banking friendly, or so the sly adds on TV tell us. I guess the banks in the Caymans now have competition. I am sure that the investors in the banking sector of the Caymans are the very same group that are screwing over the economies of the USA and Canada in the first place. As usual the real estate and banking sector controlled by the rich is still hosing the economies of North America and the rich are busy taking their capital off shore or buying gold as they are want to do whenever it seems that the majority are start getting tired of working for them for nothing. "go on take the money and run" seems to have become a credo.

GREED IS GREED and it will lead to a state of affairs that will make the dirty thirties look like good times. As long as economies can be effected by a few controlling a growing majority of the wealth then there will intentional economic down turns to lower wages. This time around because the obvious stampede of the rich to get their capital out of the economy of the US and Canada the ensuing depression will be catastrophic. Starvation for some is only a few pay checks away as it is and the majority of the population realizes this fact. Bitcoin is not the answer to this. Now we have the rich accusing the poor of being prejudiced against them and creating an economic holocaust for them by design when the truth is, it is their manipulation of the economy that is causing the chaos in the first place.

Comment Re:Drowns CRIA in poutine. (Score 1) 198

That's OK, parent was offtopic too. And hasn't the slightest clue about what Canadian Content Regulations were, or the impact that they had. Then again, who needs intelligence or knowledge when you can write (scribble?) "BARF CHUNDER PUKE FART, HAND ME a shotgun and that big fat reefer, I think I need a toak of some good stuff man."

You is taking this FAR too seriously. I am well aware of what CCR did and all the bands that got air time because of them. Currently too busy studying some of Miguel Llobet's Canciones Populares Catalanas to even consider the insult. Some people actually play instruments and music others comment upon the music industry and have not got a freaking clue which is only to be expected on Slashdot. My comment was a really old school JOKE EH

Comment Re:Drowns CRIA in poutine. (Score 0) 198

So, basically a gun to people's heads while the other hand rifles through their pockets.

Greed. The one thing that's in truly infinite supply.

Hey it is called CCR, you see we here in the Great White North have always had red necks its called scarf burns, And we created CCR not some bunch of rockabilly yahoos from south of the Mason Dixon line..EH?

Naturally you realize that CCR is not what most people believe it to be. It is really a Canadian band that at one time consisted of the Guess Who, Terry Jacks and Edward Bear played endlessly on FM radio. The band was subtitled CCR or CANADIAN CONTENT REGULATIONS.

Nothing has changed except the only one of the bunch that was worth listening to was the Guess Who and every once in a blue moon, just for old times sake I put on a ripped copy of them in FLAC because MP3 audio is for idiots and earbuds! EAT MY SHORTS YOU HALF DEAF MORONS in the entertainment industry. GOOD MUSIC and QUALITY RIPS STILL EXIST REGARDLESS OF CCR or the idiots of today that try to kill music for the listener. NOW GOOD NIGHT AND GO TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG. SONY, CCR, RIAA, CRIA and the other idiots that are trying to kill music you will loose PERIOD. BARF CHUNDER PUKE FART, HAND ME a shotgun and that big fat reefer, I think I need a toak of some good stuff man.

Comment Re:Not only in the US... (Score 1) 168

yes, the religious nutjobs have moved north, and are basically doing to the Conservatives what they did to the Republican party.

Not religious nut jobs, we had one years ago out west by the name of Bible Bill. He like the tar sands was from Oilberta, his religion was GIVE PEOPLE ENOUGH CASH AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY. It was called Social Credit. Now it has morphed into a dysfunctional party that took over from what was left over after the alcoholic bindges of Sir John A MacDonald, the sales of Canadian assets to the United States by Dief the Chief, the all out fire sale of any remaining assets within the economy by phoney baloney Mulroney. Then after going and having some sort of sex party with some separatists in Quebec and getting an almost fatal dose of the clap in the process they realized that they would have to go back to basics and horn swauggle con the people with economic hogwash fears of "THE SKY IS FALLING YOUR NOT SPENDING ENOUGH SO BORROW CASH AND HELP THE POOR BANKS!!!" Social Credit style economics disguised as sensible economic policy. In the mean time cutting funding for education, science, culture, the arts, and every other possible thing they could.

In the mean time they reduced individual income tax only a fraction and shifted it to an even greater extent upon the working poor and small business. Increased subsidies to the oil industry to build and expand the oil sands, pipe lines, reduced Arctic costs by creating tax incentives for those who drill in the far north, reduced lease cost for drilling rights to huge swaths of everything north of 60. Pretended to help small native communities where there is extreme poverty with all sorts of fanfare about how the jobs created in the petro and mining sector were going to help our native peoples to suddenly become "productive citizens" under the Harper dynasty. THE BULLSHIT FROM THE, reformed Social Credit, Conservative Zombie undead party of Canada is spectacular, and THE PEOPLE ARE STILL LAPPING IT UP LIKE kitty milk.

Maybe in a hundred years some comedic genius, perhaps even the re-incarnation of Mel Brooks might make a movie out of the bullshit that goes on in Canadian politics and how they get away with the smoke and mirrors act so easily.

Comment Re:Autoupdate (Score 1) 194

Gentoo isn't actually that bad, though it does require a little more understanding of how the system works than something like Ubuntu. It does have a fairly decent package management system though, and because most of what you're using is compiled it tends to be a fairly fast system to use.

Each to their own. For me, computers have gotten fast enough that I don't really care about a few milliseconds here or there, and am currently using a Ubuntu derivative now for ease of package management (and because this particular one has a DE that I can't find elsewhere yet, as it's too new). But I did use Slackware for nearly 15 years before I decided I wanted something that was less involved for the package management. That's the beauty of the system -- you can do what you want with it, and there's many many different paths to accomplishing the same goal.

Ya same thing here oddly enough. I still yearn for the simplicity and stability of Slackware. Trouble is I do audio recording (high bit rate) and there is no stock setup for compiling audacity, jack and ardour in rt prio modes in Slackware. I had it working a few times but talk about self punishment. First recompile the kernel with a rt optimization and 1000hrz, then setup so that alsa audio has rt prio with a config file change. Reset user privileges to allow for software with higher privileges to all work correctly. Could be a fantastic system but I didn't want to create my own distro so I switched to those who already did it.

and therein lies the problem if there are security updates, or critical fixes you have to be the distro manager for all your chosen software. BUT AT LEAST WITH LINUX IT IS POSSIBLE. I am now of the opinion that if you create a distro which is stable enough, secure enough IE can updated browsers independently of everything else by doing it in a non system wide way and just from a home directory, then can and bottle up the thing for your hardware and dupe it so that you can just re-install exactly the same thing without having to go through the agony of updating software at all. This is exactly what I do now with Debian. I freeze a good install and just use firefox current installed and updated independently of /usr. WORKS LIKE A HOT DAM and is very secure as long as my core c libs are current which they are. I have gotten over 4 years out of a Debian audio setup that way and am still on the 2 series kernel. But am going to do up a separate 3 series shortly WHEN I HAVE THE TIME!

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