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Comment Welcome to the club! (Score 2) 4

Coming up on my 24 month anniversary for my cyborgification. Also an ICD, mine due to complete heart block. Upside is that due to me not actually using it much, the battery should last much longer than originally anticipated.

Don't forget to carry your 'get out of invasive scanners free' card! And BTW, the wands are worse than the loops.

Also get used to hearing this from other doctors "Oh, we'll just send you for an MRI... Oh, wait..."

Comment Re:Not Apple's Problem (Score 1) 249

Not necessarily a burden on Apple. However, visibly better apps and a better way to find them makes iOS devices more attractive to consumers. 'Supplementary goods' is the term I recall from college. (Ok, it was a university, but just barely).

Actually, the argument could be made that a customer buys the 'ecosystem', making the market and the device one and the same. Point remains: improve app store, improve sales.

Comment Re:Two things.... (Score 0) 249

Me, me, me, Me, Me, Me, ME, ME, ME, ME!!!!!!

The mating call of the celibate slashdotter. Your 'solutions' provide none except for a few corner cases. Even if 100,000 or a million people are interested, that's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of active phones out there.

Other people; they matter.

Comment Re:22 (Score 1) 3

Lots of people who were buying when available to sell for a profit. I have a few friends who did this (they offered me sales at cost, reserving their price gouging for strangers. I never did take them up on their offers. I don't think anybody I know made much money. Most were happy to break even when prices started to dip :)

Comment Re:I see where the money went (Score 1) 126

Thank God, a voice of reason in this discussion. Until this point, all I saw was a bunch of oldsters bemoaning their inability to look at gauges.

Motorcyclists are deathly afraid of technology. Aren't a substantial number of bikes still sold with carbs? Drum brakes? Air cooling? (And before anyone gets on my ass, of the five most recent bikes I've acquired, the newest is an '83. so it's not like I can't adjust a carb or a points gap. But I also know how to adjust the ABS sensor gap on my BMW.)

These people bitching about polyca probably bitched about moving away from cork linings as well (if they weren't too busy complaining about helmets in general). Yeah, I like my waxed cotton jacket. I also like my modern textile jacket. /rant

Comment Re:Rule of law (Score 1) 58

So now, you've tried to back up your claim, and you've failed. You did not show any evidence, at all, of me expressing support for impeachment. You're a liar, you know you're a liar, you have no regard for truth of any kind, and therefore nothing you have to say henceforth matters.

Comment Re:Rule of law (Score 1) 58

So, here's how this goes: nothing in your next comments matters until you back up or retract your claim that I have ever said impeachment of President Obama needs to happen, or in any way supported impeachment of President Obama. Anything else you say will be ignored until that happens. You need to learn to tell the truth, at least sometimes.

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