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Comment Re:Discrete (Score 1) 466

I wholeheartedly agree. We were not happy that we basically didn't have a second perspective on the material presented when we went home to try to process it. My favorite CS class in undergrad was where we wrote proofs, languages/alphabets, big 0, etc. I feel that if you 'get' that stuff than you can be a good, language agnostic engineer. Of course there is much to be said for those who have worked in a single language and understand its nuances.

Comment Discrete (Score 1) 466

I had to take a symbolic logic and set theory class in undergrad that had a book written by our professor. Though initially tough it has proved invaluable to my thinking patterns and knowledge of computer science.

Comment Re:People definitely neglect science... (Score 1) 656

I had an illustrated encyclopedia when I was little (I'm the same kid whose parents bought him a leather bound Webster's dictionary, go figure) and loved it to death. I forget what the name of it was but I remember on the cover it had many images and one was a mother with a child, the mother said "Leche" and the baby said "Mama". I think there were other words for milk on the cover.

Comment Re:This Just In... (Score 5, Interesting) 328

but jeezuz, how hard is it to grasp the fact that a large number of the eyeballs viewing your "news" arrive at your web site via a link on Google news?

The president of the internet division of the newspaper conglomerate I work for actually said this in response to a manager suggesting working more closely with Google to improve SEO: "We don't want users to search for our site. We need to focus on the users who are on our site and make it easier for them to find the content they want via our internal search." Yeah. We don't want silly new readers. And we don't want readers to be able to find us on search engines. They should just know to come here and when they're here, they'll then learn how to use a search engine - our search engine. I bet our search algorithms are totally better than google's.

Comment Re:Yeah this reader's _____ (Score 1) 328

Until I got to the end, I thought you were referring to the newspaper conglomerate I work for. It is awful how top heavy our organization is, they slashed benefits and pay, cut talented people (one of my friends was a person let go and HR said these group of people were chosen because the company is less liable for cutting them than cutting some of the more ineffective people because many of them are older) and are still refusing to concede that the internet is their most viable business option. I work in the internet division of this company and we're about the only branch that isn't losing money; but due to their practices, there is only half the staff today there was two years ago. I look forward to them either seeing the light or utterly failing.

Comment Will MS-PL Overshadow GPL? (Score 2, Interesting) 227

I'm just slightly concerned that all the work that has been put into the GPL by FSF (of which I'm a member thus a bit biased) and others will be overshadowed - at least in the mainstream - by Microsoft's step into open source. I support organizations' forays into FOSS, but I'm concerned that Microsoft is trying to eventually be perceived as the leader of FOSS development. And maybe I'm paranoid.

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