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Comment Re:Heck (Score 1) 230

You PAY money to go to school? Here in Finland the state pays us to study. We get paid almost 500 euros /month while studying at a university. Learning on your own, however, requires discipline and interest, which most people does not seem to have. If you are really interested in something you'll do great on your own, as long as you have material of high quality to study (with well formed questions and exercises). If you don't have high quality material (e.g. the internet), then you'll need a - lot - of discipline to make the most out of it.

Comment Re:he just says Jobs is powerful (Score 1) 354

Well, he mentions that Apple wants to have more control over the internet, like when inventing their own App stores etc..., now even their own App store for Mac in the next OS X release. Maybe he is afraid that they will not allow any other Apps for Mac's other than those found in the app store (like they did with their iPhone...) He is afraid that Apple will choose the contents for the users, as opposed to now when the internet is still free (except for places like China etc.. where they sadly have heavy censorship). If you compare TV to the internet, we have basically two completely opposite edges. TV chooses the contents for the user, and on the internet, the user chooses the contents (at least up until now). When apple is e.g. going to release their own App store, they are starting to lean more toe behavior of the classic TV set, thus limiting the choices for the user, ultimately limiting his/her freedom.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 897

On the contrary, tying one's career to ideology is the best thing you can do. That way you'll always differ from the others, and you will stay morally happy. Don't be a sell out!

Comment Re:Free country? (Score 1) 152

Anyone joining the EU is signing off their freedom... Here in Finland, we're not even allowed to have parks with certain wooden-fabrics due to EU regulations, so 5 parks in my home-town have been demolished! EU is nothing but a dictator.

Comment Re:Trademarks are not patents. (Score 1) 401

Sorry, I can't, because I "mistyped". What I intended to say was that patents are often described in the media as protection for small inventors, but that is clearly not the case at all. To register and create a patent you'll need lots of money, which no startup certainly has. You'll also need to be ready to cross-license/patent something if a bigger company demands it, which may end up costing you a fortune. The patents are good for big companies, and they can milk lots of money out of it, even though media often displays patents as something good for a small inventor.

Comment Stop (Score 2, Insightful) 401

Stop fucking with small startups. Patents are founded as a - protection - for small startups against the big corporations. That is not however the case today (as a patent may cost several millions...). Patents today - limits - innovation for the small inventor, and brings big money for the big corporation, which is the opposite of the original intent with the founding patents.

Comment Re:Big Brother? Not Quite. (Score 2, Interesting) 425

No, not all E-numbers are bad, but the ones you want to avoid are: flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners, conservatives, colors, emulsifiers and yeast extracts. All of these for different and some common reasons. E.g. does you sausage contain emulsifier? Yes? Why? - Because there are not enough meat to keep the sausage stable. Does your sausage contain flavor enhancher (E621)? Yes? Why? - Because the meat is of so poor quality that it doesn't taste anything. Does your sausage contain sweeteners? Yes? Why? - Because it's probably low fat, so they have added sugar or sweeteners instead. And so forth...

Comment Re:Big Brother? Not Quite. (Score 1) 425

We can all change that. Refuse to buy those products, and they will go away from the supermarkets. A big problem is that most people are ignorant of this fact. Support your local butcher store instead. We have a private school nearby that gets all its meat from a local organic farm. I try to shop there (vegetables and meat + whole grain products) every time I get the chance.

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