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Comment Re:There was a TED talk on this (Score 4, Informative) 181

Actually no it didn't, world war 2 started with the declarations of war by the British, the British Commonwealth, and France in response to the invasion of Poland by Germany. Remember that Germany had effectively already taken over Czechoslovakia and Austria with no resistance and it wasn't consider war at that point.

Comment Re:Couple More Issues (Score 1) 361

True, aircraft fight in 3 dimensions, but there are hard limits on the range of said aircraft on the z axis (the ground, and whatever air ceiling the aircraft is capable of), plus the physics with no drag from an atmosphere would certainly influence battle tactics. I'm not a pilot, but physics seem to limit what kind of approaches one can do in an atmospheric combat zone vs in space.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 440

Its not so much that people USE the 4 gigs. It's when Joe Sixpack buys the cheap HP from Office Depot that has 4GB of RAM, boots it up and only sees around 3.5 or less of it. It will get worse when the bottom barrel computer has 6 or 8 GB of RAM (probably in the next couple years or less).

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