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Comment Re:None (Score 1) 796

I recommend the following approach:

1) read as much different books as you can, try to find books that you'll enjoy
2) forget everything you read

The second point is to let you understand that books may bring enjoyment and give some individual points of view, but they are just limited points of view.

Comment Translation (Score 3, Interesting) 48

Let me translate the article: built a Javascript framework for rendering.
They expected to sell their technology to Google.
Their plan backfired, because nobody was interested into their product, and they had no interesting application.
So they "open-sourced" their framework (since it's Javascript, it's already "open-source"), in the hope that some users will come up with a brilliant application, and that their product will have a real value (and so that the company will be saleable).

While their concept is interesting, I very much doubt that it will ever have a market value.
It's an existing product searching for its market, instead of a product designed for an identified market.

Comment Re:Which supercomputer? (Score 2) 50

The fastest supercomputer ( runs at 33.86 petaflops, while Boinc currently runs at 8.26 petaflops (

3 years ago, Google's computers were used to solve Rubik's cube:

We can suppose that combined Google servers are above 33Pflops.

Comment Re:Buying iD was a massive mistake (Score 1) 154

It's obvious for me that the OP was kinda jealous about Carmack, but it appears to me that he's also pretty knowledgeable.

This guy was the major driving force for the FPS genre and the adoption of GPUs

I think you are giving Carmack too much credit.
He's technologically obsessed, which was very useful for Doom and Quake.
However, a game doesn't simply rely on engineering: it requires a strong gameplay and nice graphics.
Games with excellent gameplay can overcome lack of engineering and graphics, but games with excellent engineering cannot overcome lack of gameplay.

Of course, it's more glamorous to design 3D engines than to design gameplay, but the real game comes from gameplay (and yes, I was a game programmer, and I love engineering).

In my opinion, ID's success is because of multiple lucky factors:

  • - technical obsession from Carmak (and Abrash)
  • - gameplay obsession from Romero
  • - they were also the first ones to combine such excellency in a single company (I'm pretty sure that they had also an excellent graphical team, which had to work with lots of graphical constraints)
  • - Quake 2 was released at a moment 3D cards needed games, so all 3D card providers pushed the game

Maybe 5 years for now you'll be raving about how good his VR headsets are.

I'm pretty sure that you are wrong, and here are my arguments:

  1. - Carmack is a software guy. Unless he totally changed, he's still thinking in software terms, which can be quite useful if you need to think about software developments (like frameworks), but useless when you work on hardware
  2. - there is absolutely no way to predict or force a success: look at how much nice products failed, while poor products succeeded. Success comes from circumstances and luck.
  3. - Carmack was lucky once, and I doubt he'll be lucky twice

you'll be raving about how good his VR headsets are

I'm pretty disturbed by this sentence: do you imply that Carmack will design the VR headsets alone ?
Frankly, this will be result of a team's work, and there is no guarantee of success even if you have a team of geniuses (think about the collision of egos).

Comment Re:Can we get rid of the "grading on a curve", ple (Score 1) 204

You forgot a few other cases:

1) this kind of ranking assumes that people's performance never varies.
In fact, the performance varies along with motivation, because of the work becoming a routine, or personal problems.

2) stack ranking applied locally means that bad teams may survive because we only remove the N% useless.
I remember a similar example, where the managers were ordered to reduce the cost of a device by 10% (the device costed more than 1000$).
So they applied the 10% to all the components of the device.
This was not a problem for the most expensive components, but a nasty problem appeared when they took 10% cheaper screws (perhaps 10 cents, reduced to 9 cents).
The new screws were of so bad quality that they ruined the whole device.

3) you get what you measure.
If you measure performance using any arbitrary system, you'll get a performance oriented towards this system, not towards reality.
In fact, the real problem is that managers are unable to do their work, that is to manage people, so they use these methods as a way to avoid human contacts.

Finally, I'd like to point an interesting article explaining similar things:

Comment Re:Not all good (Score 1) 328

Hold on a minute. I'm pretty sure you're making a big assumption there. What is "stronger"? Do you mean, "better able to work for a living"? Or do you mean, "more likely to have successful family lives"? Or do you mean, "conforming to societal norms". There are simply too many unknowns in the term "reality" and the term "strong".

I meant: able to accept reality as it is.
Drinking or taking "recreational drugs" allow to momentarily hide problems by reducing the amount of thoughts, but when the relaxed state vanishes, the problems appear more acute and one feels even more miserable.

You have a construct inside your mind that you call "reality", but it's only as real as the consensus.

I agree with you.

Let's say that "reality" is the world perceived by our own senses.
It's our mind that makes it either hell or heaven.

Comment Re:Not all good (Score -1, Troll) 328

I don't believe that society needs to place artificial strictures on intoxicating substances

While I don't have any moral objection against intoxicants (since I believe that everybody should build their own experience), I disagree with your idea.

Firstly, alcoholism and addiction are mental illnesses, and a small percentage of people are concerned.
It may be 5% or more, so it directly impacts society.
Also, mentally ill people may tend to use more intoxicants than "normal" people (though I never met a "normal" guy), who knows ?

Secondly, I believe that society should protect people from themselves, because a lot of them are lacking in common sense.
For example, children or people who practice binge drinking.

Thirdly, all these substances are means to escape reality.
Escaping reality never makes people stronger.

Comment Re:This will fail big time (Score 1) 109

There are plenty of other cognitive problems with money compensation.

For example, if you are paid to fix a bug, and there are a lot of bugs, you'll probably fix them as fast as possible to get the money.
When you concentrate on the result, the quality always lowers.
The quality is not a problem for a few jobs, but definitely not on computers !

Here is a nice article about other motivational problems:

Comment Re:not flaming (Score 4, Informative) 232

Citation needed !

To my knowledge, the new surgical techniques were invented to reduce operation's side-effects (less invasive surgery, less anesthetics, less hospital recovery).
It also reduces the cost of an operation.

I found no relation with Jehovah witnesses, so I'm curious to listen where you heard about this ?

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