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Comment SJ and Gaddafi are both called "mercurial." (Score 1) 133

I remember, and I'll bet the record executives remember, a certain MacWorld keynote. If memory serves, an nVidia exec spilled the beans about the new Power Macs the night before the speech. When Steve got on the stage, those new Macs had ATI cards in them. It might not be a bluff, if they decide to kick one or more labels out of the iTunes store.

Comment Re:speaking of bullshit (Score 2, Insightful) 312

The MSNBC cite shows a video of MSNBC. Ignore the blog, ignore the comments and let the video speak for itself. The GGP seemed to not believe that the WH was a "war" with Fox News and asked for Non-Fox sources. The Guardian link also shows this and it is certainly NOT a Republican, conservative or Fox News site, as you clearly pointed out.

I didn't comment on the Guardian at all. I noted that the article said the opposite of what you claimed. I didn't even load the video on that Freedom Whatever blog, thank you Flashblock, because I'm already familiar with the arguments.

So, first you try to rebut by saying that my first source does not agree with Fox News, which is not what I was trying to show, and then you complain that my second link is conservative and it agrees with Fox News. The point was to show WH attacks towards Fox News, which both sites did. For more, please use Google. Search terms, "Anita Dunn" "Fox News", with quotes.

BTW, challenging the WH and reporting on the stuff they do does not make you "an arm of the Republican party". It makes you a news organization.

What Fox "News" broadcasts is not a "challenge" to the White House. It's made-up accusations, like this Anita Dunn nonsense, like the fuss about ACORN, like the association between the President and Bill Ayers, that make it an arm of the Republican party. These stories are simply specious, having no purpose beyond allowing the talking heads to call President Obama a socialist over and over on national TV.

Comment Re:improbable (Score 1) 319

The first graph is prefaced by "...Here, for instance, is what I get if I run the numbers for all Senate and Presidential polls -- more than 3,000 (!) of them -- in my 2008 database:" Nate might have been more explicit about the difference in datasets, but I think this indicates that he analyzed similar data from other pollsters.

Comment Macs, malware, and the status quo (Score 1) 306

I've gotten very comfortable with the total lack of malware affecting my Mac, but I am not under the illusion that this will last for ever (in fact, I recall cleaning out a WDEF infection out of System 6 many moons ago). For this reason, I run Firefox with Noscript and Adblock; and my user account is not admin enabled.

Neither of these really cripples the system's usability; blocked content is only ever a few clicks away, and I find I don't miss wasting all the bandwidth. My account privileges chiefly mean that I don't have write access to /Applications, but since 10.4 or thereabouts I am prompted to enter the admin user/pass.

Secure computing and browsing is possible on a Mac, even given Apple's lackadaisical approach to updates, thanks to free software like NoScript. If anything, this is the message here.

Which Phone To Develop For? 344

Rob MacKenzie writes "I have to decide on a mobile phone to develop for. We're building a house with some automation built in, and we want the mobile phone to be able to control certain aspects of it, and retrieve information on what's going on in the house. Our choices are the usual suspects: Apple's IPhone, RIM's Blackberry, Nokia's line (Symbian), any Android phone we can get in Canada, J2ME generic app, or a Web-based UI we would interact with in the phone's browser. What would you choose if you had to go with one? Which exact model? We will be buying a few to develop for, so price is a bit of an issue."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Canadian Tar Sands Fail Environmental tests

What I call Tar Sands are being made commercially viable by high US Gas prices. Apparently the Holy Grail of Green whereby you strip mine, clean the sands and plant new forest growth is not panning out according to predictions. I guess it doesn't matter to Canada who buys - the US or China, tree huggers still hate industry.

Submission + - HTML5 now officially devoid of Ogg Vorbis / Theora ( 4

Rudd-O writes: "It's official. Ogg technology has been removed from the HTML5 spec, after Ian caved in the face of pressure from Apple and Nokia. Unless massive pressure is exerted on the HTML5 spec editing process, the Web authoring world will continue to endure our modern proprietary Tower of Babel.

Note that HTML5 in no way required Ogg (as denoted by the word "should" instead of "must" in the earlier draft). Adding this to the fact that there are widely available patent-free implementations of Ogg technology, there is really no excuse for Apple and Nokia to say that they couldn't in good faith implement HTML5 as previously formulated."

Feed Engadget: Toshiba launching SCiB batteries in March: 5 min charge, 10 year lifespan (

Filed under: Misc. Gadgets

How does this sound: a battery capable of recharging to 90% in under 5 minutes while remaining useful for 10 years or more? Sounds like the stuff of jetpacks and food replicators right? Nope... March, 2008. It was a long, long time ago when we first brought you news of these so-called "Super Li-ion" batteries. In March of 2005 to be exact. Now they're here, courtesy of Toshiba who just announced their Super Charge ion Batteries, or SCiBs. The problem? The first production run is for industrial-use (non-CE) class devices like hybrid cars and the like. Oh pretty please Toshiba, with sugar?

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


Submission + - Open Network Management Storming the Castle?

austingaijin writes: It seems like another tower of commercial software may be starting to fall: Network Management. Once the purview of companies like IBM/Tivoli, HP, and Computer Associates, a number of Open Source projects like Nagios, ZipTie, OpenNMS, and others seem to be hammering away at the foundations. In past years network management tools in the Open Source realm tended to be command-line tools, homegrown Perl scripts, or point solutions. These new offerings seem to be full featured, are more polished, and are building active communities. Are open source Network Management solutions going be to snuck through the back door and into the Enterprise like Linux was? And why has it taken so long for serious open source Network Management solutions to appear?

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