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Comment Re:From a buffoon (Score 2) 721

Great idea, then all the terrorist have to do to bring this country to a halt economically is knock apart a few rail tracks. Same for an invading army, but lets face it, that's less likely. Trucks can be rerouted to any number of roads, rail cannot.

During WWII, the British rail network took a very heavy pounding from the German bombers. And yet, somehow it managed to continue providing the service of transporting goods around the country.

The reason was that it had excellent built-in redundancy. Multiple available routes between all the major destinations made it remarkably robust. Sure, some routes are quicker than others, but the ability to keep things moving even if two or three main lines were knocked out was critical.

So history shows your argument to be incorrect. Rail can be just as robust as roads when it comes to network reliability.

And in fact, your counter point that trucks can be routed onto any number of roads is also incorrect, as heavy vehicles can only go on roads that are suitably robust. You may look at the map and see a whole network of roads, but filter it down to the routes that could be used by significant number of trucks, and you'll see that in fact it wouldn't take nearly as many road blockages as you might think to severely affect the country's ability to transport goods.

Sadly the British rail cuts in the 1960s removed a lot of the "unnecessary" lines, which left the UK today with a much more efficient network, but one which would not survive a similar bombardment now.

And this points to the final part of the discussion: maintenance costs. Both rail and road networks require significant maintenance. Many will point to the roads as being cheaper in this respect, but in fact heavy trucks cause a lot of road damage. The main reason roads appear cheaper is because the cost is not direct, but the two are comparable. Subsidies and taxes also mask the real costs.

Comment The real solution (Score 1) 144

The real solution to the problem is to make the experimental features more obviously experimental.

It should be mandatory that a pre-standardised feature be disabled by default in the browser, and enabled via a preference setting for developers to try them out.

Most non-developer users would not bother to fiddle with these prefs, and thus the features would remain truly experimental until they were standardised.

Yes, this would mean that developers would get frustrated by stuff they want to do which is tantalisingly out of reach in terms of being able to use it for mainstream development. But on the flip side, I believe it would also act as an encouragement to all parties involved to get the features through the standardisation process at a decent speed (this has been a large part of the underlying cause of the problem, not the prefix policy itself).

Comment Not just languages, but programming practices (Score 1) 530

It isn't just programming languages that have changed in the years since you changed career 10 years ago (or 30 if we start from when you first cut your programming teeth).

Back then, the concept of unit testing your code was unheard of outside of financial institutions (though I bet they didn't call it that back then), and the phrase "design patterns" would have made you think more of knitting than programming. (The actual practices described by the common design patterns have been around for ages, but the names given to them are relatively new and have quickly become part of developer jargon. You need to know them).

In short, whatever language you learn, try to also get a handle on some of the most current programming practices and the terminology around them.

Comment Making a profit. (Score 1) 531

The additional cost to mine the asteroid and return the ores to Earth would make profit unlikely even if the asteroid was 20% gold

Developing the infrastructure and technology to achieve the goal would provide you with a huge collateral resource. Don't under-estimate the money to be made from selling technology developed on the back of a bigger project. Even if the bigger project itself never actually comes to fruition, they could still make money from this.

Comment Re:And who/what is "Louis CK"? (Score 1) 288

I only know Jerry Seinfeld because the sitcom he had in the 90s was named after him

Similarly, you might know who Louis CK is because he has a current sitcom named after him. Actually a brilliant television show that probably shouldn't be called a "sitcom" because it's too brilliant.


Now you've told me how brilliant it is, I feel compelled to go out immediately and watch every episode.

I never would have imagined there might be a brilliant comedian I'd never heard of in a foreign country. If only you'd told me sooner.

Comment Re:And who/what is "Louis CK"? (Score 1) 288

I mean... he is pretty famous. If the story were about Jerry Seinfeld, would you still expect an explanation of who he was?

You say that, and yet..... I've never heard of him.

And I enjoy a good comedy show as much as anyone.

My guess is that he's pretty famous.... in the US, but completely obscure anywhere else.

(and yes, I know of Jerry Seinfeld, but I don't think I can remember the last time I actually saw him on TV)

Comment Re:Defense (Score 5, Informative) 238

Why would a real bomber warn anyone?

Many terrorist groups routinely send bomb warnings when they have planted a bomb. During the troubles in Northern Ireland, the practice was so common that the IRA and the police had recognised code words they could use so that the police would know it was a real bomb rather than a hoax call.

Comment If it was that good... (Score 1) 807

If it was really that good, someone would have forked it.

Even KDE (which is a *much* bigger project than Firefox) got forked successfully when sufficient numbers of users disliked the move from KDE3 to KDE4. KDE4 is now pretty good, but the Trinity project forked from KDE3 is still holding its own.

So if Firefox 3.6 is such an fantastic browser, and so much better than the subsequent versions, then why has no-one forked it?

Answer: because there's no need to -- the current version of Firefox is so much better than FF3.6 that there really isn't any argument to be had.


Net Companies Consider the "Nuclear Option" To Combat SOPA 507

Atypical Geek writes "Alec Liu of Fox News reports that Amazon, Facebook and Google are considering a coordinated blackout of the internet to protest SOPA, the Stop Online Privacy Act being debated in Congress. From the article: 'Such a move is drastic. And though the details of exactly how it would work are unclear, it's already under consideration, according to Markham Erickson, the executive director of NetCoalition, a trade association that includes the likes of Google, PayPal, Yahoo, and Twitter. With the Senate debating the SOPA legislation at the end of January, it looks as if the tech industry's top dogs are finally adding bite to their bark, something CNET called "the nuclear option." "When the home pages of Google.com, Amazon.com, Facebook.com, and their Internet allies simultaneously turn black with anti-censorship warnings that ask users to contact politicians about a vote in the U.S. Congress the next day on SOPA," Declan McCullagh wrote, "you'll know they're finally serious."'"

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 167

Storage may be cheap, but that's hardly an excuse for being cluttered.

Ask yourself: When are you ever going to read all those email again? When is *anybody* ever going to read them again. And the more you have, the less likely it is that they ever will be read, because the more you have, the more time it will take to go through them.

And don't tell me that doesn't matter because it's easy to run a search -- the same still applies, and you'd only bother running a search if you had something specific you wanted to search for. Is there anything in your 2003 email archives that you are likely to want to search for? The answer to this question may well be 'yes'; you know your archives better than I do; but I'll tell you this: if you haven't found the need to search an archive over the last five years, then the odds are diminishingly small that you'll need to in the future.

My advice is to keep your archives, but take the time to filter out the stuff you really don't need or want any more.

First, sort the list of emails by size.
This will give you all the ones with attachments. The odds are most of the big stuff can be deleted. Most of the stuff you want to keep you'll already have extracted from your email and saved somewhere else. So feel free to delete them. There will also be obsolete software, video and flash attachments that were funny five years ago, and other junk. Deleting all this stuff will free up a substantial portion of your disk usage.

Next sort the list by name of sender.
This might sound odd, but it's a very quick way to see who you were talking to all those years ago. There might be a few surprises in there. People you'd lost touch with an virtually forgotten about. Maybe this is your chance to remind yourself to get back in touch? If so, then the exercise has been worthwhile even if you don't delete anything. Or maybe you know you don't want to talk to them. In that case, you do really want to keep those old emails from them? Get rid of them. It's cathartic.

Next, check if you've been subscribed to any mailing lists over the years.
Possibly you'll want to keep some of those archives, but equally there can be a lot of pretty mundane chatter on these things, and the bits that are relevant are often only relevant for the moment. It depends a lot on the individual lists, but my experience is that content five years old or more is unlikely to still be of much value. And in any case, most good mailing lists have their own archives online. So your own copies in your archives may be pretty pointless. Be ruthless and delete them.

My guess is that if you followed that advice, your email archives are now about a quarter of their original size. And nothing of value was lost.

In fact, doing an exercise like this every now and then can actually be helpful. Not because it saves disk space, but because it means that you do actually go back every now and then and look at what you were doing a few years ago. It's remarkable the things you forget over time. Sometimes its good to be reminded. Other times you may not want to be reminded, but that's what the delete key is for; delete it, and you won't need to be reminded of it again when you do this same process next time.

Comment Re:Javaception (Score 2) 234

So you could write a browser that supports JavaScript in Java, and then run the browser in itself?

And if you run it in a modern browser, it would still run faster than javascript in IE8.


JavaScript JVM Runs Java 234

mikejuk writes "The world of software is made slightly crazy because of the huge flexibility within any computer language. Once you have absorbed the idea of a compiler written in the language it compiles, what else is there left to gawp at? But... a Java Virtual Machine JVM written in JavaScript seems like another level of insanity. A lone coder, Artur Ventura, has implemented a large part of the standard JVM using JavaScript and you can check the code out on Github. Notice this isn't a Java to JavaScript translator but a real JVM that runs byte code. This means it could run any language that compiles to byte code." Bonus: on Ventura's website is a set of visual notes from a talk he gave titled "My Language Is Better Than Yours."

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