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Comment Re: More by whom (Score 1) 368

Single shot, nobody will know. Just do it. It's your property anyways. Nobody calls the cops when I shoot a snake in my backyard.

You'd have to check the regulations, but the air high above your property is not considered your property. There's a certain distance above which it becomes airspace that you do not own.

Comment Re:I'm surprised (Score 2) 109

This saying has always felt like a selfish, vapid outlook on life. Should we push for progress and get what we want when young, then when we have what we want,, resist the progressiveness of the next generation? "I got what I want so shove off" ?

The opposite (and just as valid, heh) way of looking at it is to say "when you have nothing, you don't care about taking from others, but when you actually have something worth protecting is when you start getting protectionist about money, property, etc."

Comment Re:For an alternative (Score 1) 581

Nobody said Reddit was the government. Free speech is exactly what it means - it always makes me laugh when some chucklehead tries to defend censorship and says censorship isn't taking place since the government is not the actor.

Freedom of speech does not mean that others are required to support your speech.
Freedom of speech means that, should they choose to, others may support your speech without government interference.

Freedom of speech does not mean that someone else has to pay for your ability to reach as many people as you can with your speech.
Freedom of speech does mean that if others agree with you, they can pay for your ability to reach as many people as you can with your speech.

Comment Re:No Free Speech (Score 4, Informative) 581

When I've down-modded something for being non-factual, it's been for things that are actually non-factual and fact-checkable, as opposed to subjective statements like "Reddit has NEVER been about free speech!"

Even then, if something is factually wrong, Troll/Flamebait are inappropriate, since that wasn't the original intent. I use "overrated," especially if it was modded up, as the post is not a high enough quality to support its "high" (which might be the default) mod value.

Comment Re:BS (Score 1) 431


Not if it doesn't have the money to pay debts. Debt payments are a government expense just as valid as roads, army, health care, pensions, or anything else that the government pays for. It's only when you remove debt payment that the budget becomes balanced.

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