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Comment Re:Why is Samsung making a keyboard? (Score 1) 104

Good for tablets, but I've found the Hacker's keyboards (which I use for my ssh connections) pack too many keys too closely, and I end up making a lot more spelling mistakes. Naturally, there's no spell correction like there is with the Samsung keyboard. I don't want ssh connections spell checked (that could never work), though I wouldn't mind other apps like sms messaging being spell checked.

Comment Re:The root... the root... the root is on fire... (Score 1) 104

It worked for me. I no longer have the Samsung keyboard installed on my Samsung Note 2. In fact I'm running AOSP 5.1.1 rather then being stuck on 4.1 (or 4.2) like all other Note 2 users are.

You might have missed his point, that the only way to root a Samsung Android phone is to exploit (and leave open) a giant security vulnerability.

Comment Re:That's stupid (Score 1) 104

The carriers excuse is that the devices use 'their network' thus they need control over the software to prevent abuse and damage their 'their network'. Sure we all know it's total bullshit but can't do anything about it.

Everyone knows it's total bullshit too, as Internet service providers don't have any control over what computers and devices are hooked up on your home connection, nor should they.

Comment Re:Who the fuck would use something like that? (Score 1) 206

do they have the ability to look your passwords?

No, they do not. So if you ever forget your master password, you lose all your Lastpass-managed passwords forever (happened to my husband..). Everything is encrypted by your master password before it gets to Lastpass.

The only thing they have access to is your password hint, settable by you, which could be anything (and I usually set my password hint to have no relation to the master password).

Comment Re:Who the fuck would use something like that? (Score 1) 206

"What can a person do with my bank account anyway? Nothing, that can't be traced and/or reversed."

Then you should feel perfectly safe posting your bank credentials on this site.

Not really, he didn't say that nothing will happen, just that a small amount of work will be needed to fix it.
That doesn't mean he wants to do that work for no reason.

Comment Re:Or hey, maybe we need (Score 1) 599

But you are helped massively by the sheer amount of commerce which happens in California. It's weird you accept that money gladly and without question, yet the moment you are asked to possibly start thinking of contributing a little back so that commerce can continue, you develop short-sightedness and a bad case of Libertarianism...

"Selective Libertarianism?" Interesting idea.

Comment Re:Or hey, maybe we need (Score 1) 599

After "somehow wresting water rights" from Easterners? In case you haven't noticed, the reason the West tends to get little water these days is that all of their storms get pushed north by high pressure systems, and then land south once again smack-dab in the center of the US. Easterners tend to be desperate to get rid of their winter rains in the last few years, they don't like their flooded homes.

But if you're spoiling for a fight, which your tone through this thread suggests, then fine. You don't want to help pay for problems related to Western drought? Well then Westerners don't want to pay for any of the "omg, horrible winter" problems that people in the northeast, mid-west, and south have had for the last few years. They'll pull out of any disaster relief for the Atlantic area that gets hit by hurricanes. They'll pull out of help for people in the midwest when a tornado demolishes their towns. They'll pull out any help for people with torrential rain and the blizzards that never seemed to end this year. After all, easterners don't have to live in areas where the rains pour into their houses. They could just move west.

Or, we could decide that yes, we actually are a country that has socially evolved beyond being a few regional tribes fighting each other all the time.

Comment Re:Death to reboots (Score 1) 137

$511 Million world wide. But with movie attendance fees doubling (in these parts) in the last 10 years, This inflates the popularity somewhat.. . They always speak of the $$ in opening weekends.

According to boxofficeguru, Jurassic World sold 22 million tickets in North America, 80% more than Jurassic Park's 12 million tickets over the same 3-day weekend.

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