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Comment Re:An easy solution (Score 1) 550

I know people who have had their unemployment extended three times. They say that there's no incentive to find work flipping burgers or working retail only to make less than what their unemployment pays them, and I agree wholeheartedly.

Before I found my job I was unemployed for 9 months(though I was going to school), but I could be choosy in picking the jobs I was offered. When one that was willing to pay me what I wanted opened up, bam, I was back in action.

Comment Re:Bottom line: never cooperate with the authoriti (Score 5, Funny) 777

It reminds me of that episode of COPS which opens with an elderly woman in a gas station. The woman holds up a rock of crack, telling the cop it was she that called them because somebody sold her that rock of crack.

The episode comes to a close immedately as the cops cuff her on the spot without question and take her in.

Comment Re:Dear americans (Score 5, Insightful) 609

Okay, you put me on the defensive. I joined the Air Force, which meant that I would get a bitchin' tech job(and I did) and likely never face danger. Yeah, call me a pussy, I don't give a fuck. It was during a time of (relative) peace and sanity, so I knew I wouldn't have to deal with wartime bullshit. I joined because I was unmotivated in high school, because I had a life, and so I needed job training and a college fund. My family were disciplined, but they sure as hell weren't rich - and I did need some discipline at the time. Why the hell not? Am I a pussy for admitting that?

I got out right after 9/11, but before the wars kicked in. I knew that the rationale for the wars was bullshit(WMD? we sold Saddam that WMD!), but by that time I was happy enough being the fuck out of the military. And yes, the world would be a better place if all of the religious people, or at least the people who subscribe to one or more of the three monotheistic religions of the Middle-East, would drop dead on the spot. That is where the trouble lies.

So the short answer is, no, I'm not a hypocrite.

Comment Re:Dear americans (Score 5, Interesting) 609

As a red-blooded American who served in the military and comes from a family who also did(mother served in army, father served in Marines and saw action in Vietnam, Grandfather who was bomber aircrew during WWII, uncle served in USAF), I endorse your comment wholeheartedly.

I know the Slashdot leadership and a good majority of their chickenhawk wannabe-military fanboy readership subscribe to Judeo-Christian beliefs about being in the moral right as nation-builders, but if you're gonna tacitly encourage war with Iran, then enlist, pick up a fuckin' gun, and go shoot yerselves some strangers. See your buddies turned into hamburger and shuttled back into the states to live their lives as disfigured vegetable abominations, and you can become a nonfunctional drug-addicted alcoholic having to cope with those horrors for life. There are laws to reward employers for hiring veterans, but all it takes is one flashback flipout to make even the most patriotic employer reexamine their hiring decisions. Kids can't even afford school because that money went to some glorified security guard being paid $300,000 a year.

If you're gonna go big, then at least do it right - indiscriminately carpet-bomb the entire Middle East, including Israel.

Comment Re:Rots your brain (Score 0) 267

Some like me may argue that participating in an actual unique discussion, even in a static forum, is a lot less useless than playing the same crappy game on a tiny-ass screen...again.

And, for the record, I happen to be an outspoken anti-smartphone guy, likening them to Linus' security blanket. Might as well be suckin' your widdle thumbs, too.

Comment Re:It better play the games I already own (Score 2) 233

So instead of trivially adapting your existing PC for display on a Big-screen, you feel compelled to shell out extra dollars for a piece of hardware, which is essentially another redundant PC, that you don't even need?

Perhaps valve should develop a "big-screen" version of their software and leave it up to the gamer to build or modify their boxes appropriately. If anybody knows how to build bitchin' rigs, it's gamers. And Alienware machines have been overpriced pieces of shit for a long time now.

Comment Re:Cost (Score 0, Troll) 65

There is, of course, much legitimate debate about just how much of the money going to NASA is well spent, and whether that money should be spent right here on earth instead of up in the heavens looking at rocks. I certainly do not plan to weigh in on that debate here.

However, I must say that I have been very enamored with the rover missions from the start, and my children and I followed them fairly closely during their first year on Mars. We built toy models of the rovers and viewed many an animation and photograph on the Internet. I remember reading that one of the rovers (I don't recall which one) had traveled some particular distance (I don't recall how far) and taking a stroll outside our house that was roughly the same distance, just to get a feel for it. The idea of walking along such a truly distant shore was simply fascinating to me.

Profitable or wasteful, harmful or beneficial, search for truth or wild goose chase, I believe that missions such as that of these Mars rovers are products, at least in part, of the truth expressed by the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 3:11 when he says, "[God] has put eternity in their hearts..."

Additionally, and you may disagree with this, is that I got laid just an hour ago. Split the wood like an oversized and improperly placed lagging screw. O' Lord, shall my nuts lie content tonight.

Comment Re:Is this one in East Texas? (Score 5, Funny) 138

And yet, for some reason, all of you assholes still want to move here. Don't. There's no jobs, especially not high-tech ones. There's no scenery. The beaches don't even have waves like they do at the Atlantic. All that Hollywood shit is fake. We don't have good marijuana. All we have are ghettos and military bases, and who wants to live in a military state? Oh, and gays. California accepts the gays because it is a state nobody wants to move to. Everything is also really expensive and totally not worth it.

Nope, don't move here. I can't even escape to Arizona because California took my car as tax money.

Comment Re:Captain Obvious says (Score -1, Troll) 652

Agreed. Nowadays, such a car makes more sense - kinda like the Original Volkswagens did, except without the National Socialist connotations. A simple, modular, more efficient approach with more user-friendly long-term maintenance in mind would would work wonders for this country. Those of you who believe textbooks are a racket (changing new editions every year etc.) ain't seen nothin' yet compared to the currentauto parts racket.

Go to a local Starbucks with a drive-in and see the disgusting sows, all with ridiculously large SUVs, at least 3 kids each, with integrated TVs. The line of cars in the drive-in is backed around the block, and yet they could just go inside and be served immediately. The SUVs' drivers are all females who are either obese or anorexic. And they're all ordering extra-jumbo caramel Ralph Macchios for themselves and their children.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score -1, Flamebait) 220

What a fucking fag-ass you are. Of course, Timothy is pro-JIDF so he will ban me (again, like he did last night) for posting this comment.

When the Kikes get too big for their britches, the majority of starving, jobless Americans will not surrender their few remaining resources to Israel.

Wikileaks for the win. Destroy-Iran-for-Israel rhetoric for the lose.

Comment Re:First (Score -1, Troll) 160

Sorry, fellas.

I posted that from a bar, using a Mac(it wasn't a gay bar, but apparently Macs are in style everywhere now). OSX has its own autocorrect algorithm, and it's their way or the highway. I didn't pay attention to the autocorrect when I submitted the post.

My original post was about how Dying Fetus is a good band. Somehow the Mac autocorrect feature misinterpreted my words.

Apologies to the offended homosexuals.

Comment Re:More malware (Score 0) 160


Who the hell here uses Windows as their primary internet-facing OS? As a secondary OS for gaming or all the other shit Linux can't handle, it's fine, but home users who continue to use Windows as their primary internet-facing OS should be smacked in their mouths with a rolled-up newspaper.

It's funny how the curmudgeons will quickly adapt with smiling faces to OSX from Windows because they paid a lot of money for the pretty device it runs on, but will bitch and moan after a Linux install because the icon is on the wrong side or the start menu is now at the top.

I'm not totally knockin' Windows, my employer is a Microsoft-friendly shop and has the staff and budget to deploy real security solutions. That means I get Office and Visual Studio, both of which let me get shit done quick, even if I'm stupid enough to click on the duck and the monkey.

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