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Comment Re:Fun with units... (Score 2, Informative) 110

What you say is very misleading. While that is true on a proton basis, you are neglecting the 115 billion protons per packet, with 2808 packets per beam. This puts your calculation off by 15 orders of magnitude. Unless your finger can flick a typical scobie up to mach 2.

Comment Lack of crater - explained? (Score 5, Insightful) 82

Perhaps it tumbled into position and the crater(s) are some distance away. It looks highly unusual as it is sitting too high up above the surface indicating that it was not deposited along with the rest of the material which *guessing* is why they were able to identify it as a possible meteorite from such a far away distance. Besides the color presumably not matching the surrounding material.

Comment Why do we spend more on womens shoes??? (Score 1) 489

I am not a GW denier, but what really chaps my hide is the lack of understanding of the problem and the certanity of people to act now but without a realistic understanding of the consequences of action.

The cost of global warming, in my estimate, is past the quintillion dollar mark because it will adversely affect the entire economy of the planet for hundreds - to thousands (perhaps) of years to come. The cost of just acting without knowing what is real and what is just wish thinking on the part of people who want to enforce thier will on all under the guise of altruism can be staggering without any real benefit. The real motives usually resolve down to personal bank account totals. Not knowing quite enough science got us into this mess, and it should be sound science that gets us out.

That being said, Obama's plan for global warming research dollars is 400 million in 2009 whereas the womens shoe market in 1996 is 37 billion dollars:

From more than just the above, as far as I have been able to tell, we have spent less money than the womens shoe market in one year on the all time effort of solving a human life ending enviornment problem - does that make sense to anyone???

I think anyone who objectively steps back, realizing that the data so far suggests we need to act now, will realize we need to have that understanding now. I can only conclude that the bulk of the world either dosen't believe its true, dosent care (afterall you will be most likely be dead before it ruins the planet), or are just insane.

Comment Correlation = Causation! (Score 2, Insightful) 167

"extended play has been observed to depress activity in the frontal cortex of the brain which controls executive thought and function, produces intentionality and the ability to plan sequences of action, and is the seat of self-reflection, discipline and self-control."

From this I can only conclude: Senator you must be one hell of a gamer...

Comment GW research dollars women's shoe market! (Score 1) 276

I am not a GW denier, but what really chaps my hide is the lack of understanding of the problem and the certanity of people to act now but without a realistic understanding of the consequences of action.

The cost of global warming, in my estimate, is past the quintillion dollar mark because it will adversely affect the entire economy of the planet for hundreds - to thousands (perhaps) of years to come. The cost of just acting without knowing what is real and what is just wish thinking on the part of ignorant people who want to enforce thier will on all under the guise of altruism can be staggering without any real benefit. Not knowing quite enough science got us into this mess, and it should be sound science that gets us out. The whole albedo posts above just illustrates how important it is to *really* understand the problem so an efficient means of reducing the problem can be found.

That being said, Obama's plan for global warming research dollars is 400 million in 2009 whereas the womens shoe market in 1996 is 37 billion dollars: As far as I have been able to tell, we have spent less money than the womens shoe market in one year on the all time effort of solving a human life ending enviornment problem - does that make sense to anyone???

I think anyone who objectively steps back, realizing that the data so far suggests we need to act now, will realize we need to have that understanding now. I can only conclude that the bulk of the world either dosen't believe its true, dosent care (afterall you will be most likely be dead before it ruins the planet), or are just insane.

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