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User Journal

Journal Journal: Afghanistan Falling Into Taliban Control

As the U.S. remains distracted by the conflict it started in Iraq, the mission in Afghanistan gets further and further away from being "accomplished".

The Guardian has the story on the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, which no have a presence in 54% of the country with unchallenged control of several districts.

User Journal

Journal SPAM: SoCal Burned for Iraq 3

U.S. needs to keep fire tanker funding
Oakland Tribune, Nov 27, 2005

WHILE trying to slash billions of dollars from the federal budget to help cover the costs of the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina, the Bush administration wants to cut funding, a move that would ground much of the federal fire-fighting tanker fleet.

This would be a bad idea.


Submission + - Wildfires sweep southern California (

miaobaby writes: Smoke from several large wildfires which flared across Southern California on October 21, 2007 is shown in this image taken at 14.50 PDT (21.50 GMT) taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite, and released by NASA October 22, show several active fires (outlined in red) northwest of Los Angeles.
United States

Journal Journal: Rockefeller Taking Telco Money As He Pushes Their Immunity

Think Telco execs don't think they did anything wrong complying with the government's warrantless wiretap requests, well take a look at to whom they're donating their money.

Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virignia) has found himself on the receiving end of 10s of thousands in donations from telephone company executives this year. A level of donation that is is stark contrast to an previous year.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Saddam Offered To Leave Without A Fight

One month before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Saddam Hussein offered to go into exile in exchange of $1 Billion. Contrast that with the Bush Administration's current request for another $195 Billion to continue the war.

United States

Submission + - General Strike Called For 9/11/2007 In U.S.

cybermage writes: Organizers around the U.S. are working to coordinate a General Strike for 9/11/2007. Their reasoning is as follows: "Since the tragic events of 9/11/01, America has fallen under a spell of fear and deception. The government peddles lies and steadily chips away at our democratic rights. Hundreds of thousands have been killed in the Iraq war — mostly civilians. Torture, surveillance, tyranny, empire. Many of us can recognize the fascistic direction of this government. But what do we do?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Yet Another Excuse For War With Iran 1

Each day seems to bring another excuse Bush can use to justify his forthcoming war with Iran. Today comes news of Iran firing shells into Iraq. That's an actual, honest to God, act of war.

Reuters has the story of the shelling. It seems that independence minded Kurds are not only a thorn in Turkey's side, but in Iran's as well. As a result, Iran is shelling rebel positions on the Iraq side of the border.

United States

Submission + - Gonzales Resigns

cybermage writes: "With an announcement scheduled for this morning, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned. CNN has the story of Gonzales' resignation as the culmination of a process began when nine U.S. Attorneys were dismissed for seemingly political reasons. CNN believes Bush will move to replace Gonzales with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. It is unclear whether he will formally nominate him or take advantage of what remains of a congressional recess to put him in office directly."

Submission + - Google To Add Overlay Ads To YouTube Videos (

cybermage writes: The New York Times (registration likely required) has a report on Google's plans to recoup its $1.65 billion investment in You Tube. Borrowing a move from television networks, Google will introduce advertising that overlays the bottom fifth of the video starting at the 15 second mark. Are they going to kill the goose that has so far laid a giant goose egg for their bottom line?

Submission + - Facebook Impacts Productivity And Security? (

J4me5 writes: HNS is running a story about research conducted Sophos which revealed that fifty percent of workers are being blocked from accessing Facebook by their employers who are worried about the website's impact on productivity and security, and have therefore put policies or access controls in place to ban its use in the workplace. In a Sophos poll of 600 workers, 43 percent revealed that their company was blocking access to Facebook, while an additional seven percent reported that usage of the social networking website was restricted and only those with a specific business requirement were allowed to access it.

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