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Comment Re:Maybe they'll grow up as well as old (Score 1) 721

Depends on the music, personal taste, etcetera. I love Beethoven's 9, most Mozart, CPE Bach, Bach's organ stuff, Vivaldi, Grieg, and am trying others. Nonetheless, some musicians are just *bad* to me: all atmosphere and no music; it sounds like a theme for a movie in the non-musical almost sound-effects like sense (Stravinsky, Bartok, etc.). On the other hand, Philip Glass, who I sincerely expected to hate (minimalist just sounded horrible) I loved the second I heard. Delving down through what you do and don't like to find more stuff you do and expand your horizons takes effort.

Comment Re:You Don't Know Nothin (Score 1) 849

you'd be *VERY* surprised at the difficulty of telling music apart. I've got decent headphones (AKG K81, they're certainly not high-end but they're better than what 98% of people use) and I had trouble telling 128 from flac last time I tried. My ears aren't bad - I can tell speaker quality in an instant and I can't stand the ipod buds / PC speakers most people use.

Comment Re:You Don't Know Nothin (Score 1) 849

very true. Foobar 2000 has ABX included; you pick 2 files and it'll set them as A and B. It then gives you four buttons, clicking one plays the song: C D (one of these is A, one is B - randomized) E F (one of these is A, one is B - randomized) You then say "well, C is F, D is E", click a button and it mixes them up again and gives you another test. You can do (say) 10 or 20 tests fairly quickly to get some reliable results.

Comment Re:I just don't think it's possible! (Score 1) 762

yeah, I really don't buy this. None of the people I know with iphones have jailbroken them either. They *don't buy the apps*. While it's heartbreaking to see massive numbers of pirated downloads, your game isn't worth four bucks to most. It may not even be worth the time of putting in a credit card number.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 295

I'm pretty sure you can see the diff on an HDTV sized screen. After all, 2560x1600 for a 30", and TV screens are 50+.. even granting the fact you sit further, I'm pretty sure the difference would be visible and useful for say desktop work.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 749

Sometimes. Other times it's the ".. wait, none of the money I'm paying is actually going to the guy who made this crap? I go to the store and dump out $300 and he gets NOTHING, or at best $20?" It can also be the "I want $10,000 of content, but don't have $10,000. While I'm technically breaking the law, it doesn't hurt anyone unless I spend less than I would without piracy."

Comment Re:Since your sig is not that off-topic... (Score 1) 749

Stallman debates this. The absence of copyright law allows a corporation to take your work, use it to create their own product, and then lock that up using technical measures. Whether you believe that's permissible.. that's a question of philosophy, economics, and whether you think the lock will be too strong to defeat.

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