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Comment You'd Think They'd Learn (Score 5, Insightful) 733

Let's see here... an animal rights group flying a camera drone over private property full of gun-loving people they happen to have pissed off... yeah, um, how else would that turn out?

Need I remind the tree-huggers that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results? Or maybe they're getting the exact result they really want - lots of publicity for the low, low price of $4000 a pop.

Comment Submitter Doesn't Understand What Futures Are (Score 1) 80

A "future" in commodity trading is a legal contract between two parties that says "I am obligated to buy X amount of {commodity} at price Y on date Z." Many people speculate with futures, but they are most often used by suppliers and manufacturers to establish some financial stability from price fluctuations in a volatile commodity market.

Unless you're looking to buy a politician as a personal slave at some point in the future and want to protect yourself from price fluctuations, you are completely off-base and need to do a little more reading before you make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.

Teaching Robots New Tricks Without Programming 42

cylonlover writes "Maya Cakmak, a researcher from Georgia Tech, spent the summer at Willow Garage creating a user-friendly system that teaches the PR2 robot simple tasks. The kicker is that it doesn't require any traditional programming skills whatsoever – it works by physically guiding the robot's arms while giving it verbal commands. After inviting regular people to give it a try, she found that with few instructions they were able to teach the PR2 how to retrieve medicine from a cabinet and fold a t-shirt."

Comment Re:2005 called (Score 1) 89

I know a very mobile platform with great battery life that can offer more:

A book.

Why do we need to buy our children $300 mobile game systems to sate them? Are they that mindless, and their parents so careless, that they need to be electronically entertained and stimulated every waking minute of the day?


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