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Comment Re:Call me Crazy... (Score 1) 354

That's absurd. I haven't killed anyone, nor have I voted to have anyone killed. In fact, I try to participate in the political process as little as possible. You might feel an urge to say that I'm "a part of the problem", but do try and remember that the vote of citizens in the US isn't generally how things are decided here.

(how did we get into Iraq in the first place? Afghanistan? The only vote I remember is the one that allowed George W. Bush the power to do anything he wanted to kill all dem terrerists using whatever means necessary, and I wasn't asked for my opinion on that one)

Comment Re:Screen shots would help .... (Score 1) 344

I'm a long time Gnome (and Ubuntu) user myself but with the Gnome3/Unity changes I've had the urge to look on the other side of the fence and see how KDE4 has been shaping up. I've always considered KDE apps like Clementine, K3b, Konqeuror, and Kopete to be high quality, but the environment itself never pleased me. After spending some time configuring the system it is now my favorite UI by far and I'm happy to say I will stick with it for some time to come. Here is a screenshot of my current desktop to give you an idea of the possibilities.

Comment Re:Not really ridiculous (Score 1) 1251

If you can't measure it, it isn't proven but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Radiation for example didn't suddenly blink into existence the first time it was measured.

The difference is that no one claimed radiation or x-rays existed until evidence of them was discovered.

Is it not natural for someone seeking the truth behind everything to seek out religion for areas where there will always be gaps?

No it is not. If you are looking for the truth it doesn't make sense to turn to superstition for it.

Comment Re:EU = make things harder (Score 3, Interesting) 290

There is no free market in the US. There are lots of regulations and government intervention here, they just happen to be on behalf of corporations rather than individual citizens. One of the reasons you can choose multiple ISP's and we cannot is due to monopoly agreements granted to ISP's in the US. You have more favorable regulation in the EU to be sure, but don't pretend the problems in the US have anything to do with a lack of government involvement...

Comment Re:Free software (Score 1) 778

You are trying to suggest that the force of the government is necessary for freedom, a concept that takes quite a bit of logical wrangling to come up with. Freedom is about voluntary participation, which is the antithesis of government. The reason you are using quotes around free market is precisely because you are trying to describe something as free while saying it requires control, which doesn't make much sense at all.

"Free" is more complex, more subtle, more difficult to achieve, and -- on the upside -- vastly more beneficial to long-term GDP growth.

In theory, however in reality you can see what government intervention in economics achieves simply by looking at the problems in the US economy right now.

Comment Re:Bullshit.... (Score 1) 549

>>> Fossilized dinosaur shit is rare, very inert, and easy to identify, but you don't see people using it for money. Those qualities are inherently valuable in currency. Just because something can be used as currency doesn't mean it will, especially when you have governments designating paper money as legal tender for debts. If there were competing currencies backed by gold or fossilized dinosaur shit, they would be doing a lot better than the dollar is right now.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 549

>> Gold is great in a collapsed society that can't rely on a central authority to limit the money supply, but in a civilized country, it's just too limited. Yeah, because the ability to manipulate our money supply has done wonders for us recently...

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 549

That is nonsensical. The inherent value of gold is that it is rare, difficult to create, and easy to manipulate into forms like coins or bars. This makes it far more valuable than fiat currency, because just like monopoly money, you can print as many dollars as you want.

Comment Re:Ha, with a name like cynicist why bother? (Score 1) 395

You may not realize this, but the social security trust fund is running on SURPLUS because of the boomers paying in all their lives and are just now retiring and drawing from their fund-- they were supposed to DIE before the trust fund ran out at the rates they were paying in. Its their money. Previous generations GOT PAID back my parents are now, if that is a scam....

The SSA are currently paying more in benefits than they are receiving in contributions, and this will only get worse. Your parents were taxed and then now are getting paid through the taxes of others. Don't pretend this is some type of investment fund they put money into.

Now maybe we don't want to pay the gap from the underestimates in cost of living, lifespan, and unregulated medical costs... but they deserve their money back they put in.

Sure but in this case that means raising taxes on younger people in order to give them that money back. Don't young people deserve their money too?

Maybe they shouldn't have added onto the program and we should have let all the retards and autistics starve and die. Maybe its the kids fault his parents generation polluted etc and made them early social security net-losses who have been draining the system prematurely at higher than predicted rates... (or they didn't want to pay what they agreed to support while possibly feeling guilty for contributing to higher rates of needy.)

Yes I'm sure they would all have just died. The problem is that this system is a legal ponzi scheme. It takes from the young and gives to the old, and hopes that there will be enough young in the future to continue the process as the previous youth become old and retire. To think that this is somehow sustainable or even should be done at all is insane.

Since I'm paying into the trust fund most my life I want my money back later and it SHOULD be enough money because I do not live in a baby boom and the population is NOT shrinking. I'd rather they took it and kept it safe than me manually save X amount every paycheck with greater risk and no ability to "sponge" on anybody should I end up a cripple or something.... my bank collapses...etc.

Ok then so let's make it optional. So then people like me who know that trust fund "assets" are based on bonds and other IOUs don't have to have their money stolen and spent. I know how to save money, so why is it mandatory that I pay in? Oh yeah that's right because I'll be retiring far past 2037 and by then the scam will be over.

Comment Re:LOL, you got GWB again! (Score 1) 302

How does the government accomplish any of these "good" things they are trying to do? They pass a law saying that if you don't follow orders you will be forced to do so. I don't care how noble your goals are, using violence or the threat of violence to achieve them is itself immoral.

Another thing, our government isn't a choice. I didn't sign a social contract saying I would give my share of wages to some small minority to do whatever they think is best for our society, and neither did you. A bunch of emails or calls to your "representative" will get him to recant something he said, or maybe even swing his vote a particular way, but if you think anything threatening their power or money will change, I suggest you review the history of our government a bit more.

Comment Re:Social Security is non-negotiable (Score 1) 395

Now we talk like social security are general fund welfare programs but these are things WE ALL (except rich) pay into our whole lives and for generations now and we deserve to get what we paid for / invested in! I PAID for them and I'm fucking going to get my money back when I need it!

Social Security is a scam. If you think future generations of people are going to accept higher taxes to pay for your retirement you are dreaming. We need to end this stupid program now.

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